Take Action: UN System

Call for Speakers: Civil society participation in CCPCJ thematic discussions in December (Deadline for applications is 26 October 2022 at 23:45 CET Vienna time).

Dear NGO Representatives,

The UNODC Civil Society Unit, in cooperation with the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Alliance) is pleased to inform NGOs about the upcoming thematic discussions of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) which will take place on 5-7 December 2022 in Vienna, and invites relevant NGOs to express interest to participate as speakers.

The thematic discussions which will be on Pillar II of the Kyoto Declaration (Advancing the criminal justice system) will be held in Vienna in a hybrid format and will cover the following topics:

The meeting will cover the following topics:

  • 5 December: Safeguarding victim’s rights and protecting witnesses and reporting persons; Improving criminal investigation processes;
  • 6 December: Improving prison conditions; Reducing reoffending through rehabilitation and reintegration;
  • 7 December: Mainstreaming a gender perspective into criminal justice systems; Addressing the vulnerabilities of children and youth in contact with the criminal justice system.

Please see here the Secretariat’s note to understand better the context and how your work might be related to the topics.

For each day, up to 5 NGOs will have the possibility to present their work and positioning as panelists (1 per panel – 3 in total) and speakers (up to 4 per segment – 12 in total). In order to ensure an inclusive and meaningful civil society participation, NGO interventions will be coordinated by the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (The Alliance) in co-operation with the UNODC Civil Society Unit.

Each speaker will have 2-5 minutes to present their work on the thematic focus of the day.

Note: There will be no interpretation during the meetings and all abstracts and statements need to be submitted in English.

To apply for a speaking slot please fill out this online form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Q7CPVJP

Deadline for applications is 26 October 2022 at 23:45 CET (Vienna time).

When submitting your application please make sure that your abstract is relevant to the topic of the event, and clearly describes what you will be presenting about. Statements focusing on good practice examples and/or showcasing experiences ‘from the ground’ are especially welcome.

Please share this call with your respective partners and networks to ensure wider participation.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications.


Kind regards,

The UNODC Civil Society Unit

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Vienna, Austria

  1. +43 1 26060-5582 or +43 1 26060-4620
  2. unodc-ngounit@unodc.org

Open call for submissions on the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Photo: UN.org

In 2023, the General Assembly of the United Nations will undertake the 8th biennial review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (A/RES/60/288), during which it will consider providing updated guidance related to the Strategy.

In preparation for this review, the Secretary-General, as mandated by paragraph 118 of resolution 75/291, will submit to the General Assembly a report on progress made in the implementation of the Strategy, including suggestions for its future implementation by the United Nations system, as well as on progress made in the implementation of the aforementioned resolution.

This report will also include the Secretary-General’s assessment of “the need to further enhance the integration of the rule of law, human rights and gender, as cross-cutting elements of the Strategy, in the counter-terrorism efforts of the United Nations system in order to strengthen their effectiveness, including the need for internal advisory or monitoring and evaluation capacity in this regard”, as called upon by the General Assembly in operative paragraph 86 of resolution 75/291.

In preparation for the Secretary-General’s report, the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism invites interested stakeholders, including civil society organizations, as well as international and other organizations with no standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly, to share their views by responding to a questionnaire by 31 October 2022 (submissions before the deadline are encouraged). Updates on activities related to the implementation of the Strategy may cover progress made since January 2021.

Consultations of the Committee with NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC (December 2022)


Dear NGO Representative,

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), is holding consultations with organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC to discuss questions of interest to the Committee or to the organizations relating to the relationship between the NGOs and the United Nations in line with paragraph 61 (a) of ECOSOC resolution 1996/31.

The hearing will provide an opportunity for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC to present and exchange views with members of the Committee on the issues outlined in the attached Concept Note.  NGOs in consultative status who can attend the hearing in New York are invited to interact with the Committee during this open session. Organizations who wish to speak at the hearing will be given three minutes to make their intervention.

The ground-breaking Consultations of the Committee with NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC will take the form of written submissions and an interactive hearing which will be held in New York either on Friday, 9 December 2022 or Tuesday, 6 December 2022 (confirmation on exact date will be announced soon) from 10:00am – 1:00pm.

NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC can register to participate in the interactive hearing through the Indico registration system here: Consultations of the Committee with NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC (9 December 2022): Overview · Indico (un.org)

The deadline for registration is Monday, 14th November 2022.

In addition to registering, each attending representative must have a valid UN Grounds Pass. Please see instructions on obtaining your grounds pass here https://csonet.org/?menu=86

Please note that the event will also be webcast live on UN WEB TV: https://media.un.org/en/webtv


Best regards,

NGO Branch
Office for Intergovernmental Support and Coordination for Sustainable Development
Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Call for Inputs from the Mandate of the Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls for Its Upcoming Report “Human Security of Women and Girls in the Context of Poverty and Inequality”

Working Group on Discrimination Against Women & Girls

Call for Inputs from the Mandate of the Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls for Its Upcoming Report “Human Security of Women and Girls in the Context of Poverty and Inequality”

DEADLINE: 03 October 2022

Purpose To collect information/data on human security of women and girls in the context of poverty and inequality. To inform stakeholders on the upcoming (2023) thematic report on the above mentioned issue.


The Working Group on discrimination against women and girls, in preparation for its thematic report to be presented at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council in June 2023, will be examining the topic of women’s and girls’ human security in the context of poverty and inequality. Human security can be understood as the protection from severe and critical threats encountered by persons and communities, and it encompasses economic security, food security, health security, environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security. The human security approach means creating systems that give people the building blocks of survival, livelihood and dignity. Human security is comprehensive, multidimensional, context-specific, and prevention-oriented. The common understanding of the concept reached by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in 2012 (A/Res/66/290) affirms that human security includes the right of people to live in freedom and dignity, free from poverty and despair, stressing that all individuals, in particular those living in situations of vulnerability, are entitled to an equal opportunity to enjoy all their rights, and it specifically asserts that human security ‘equally considers’ all human rights: civil, political, economic, social and cultural. As such, the scope of this questionnaire will cover the various aspects of risks experienced by women and girls living in poverty and inequality in relation to the enjoyment and fulfilment of their human rights. Concept note was prepared to support this questionnaire.

In this regard, the Working Group would like to seek inputs from the States, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other stakeholders, such as National Human Rights Institutions, international economic institutions, and academic institutions or human rights clinics, to inform the preparation of the report in line with its mandate to maintain a constructive approach and dialogue with States and other stakeholders.


  • Identify the causes of structural discrimination in the realization of human rights, especially lack of access to economic and social rights, due to cross-cutting risk factors stemming from both gender inequality and socioeconomic inequality;
  • Deepen the understanding of the implications for women’s and girls’ multiple human insecurities and vulnerability to experiencing human rights abuses primarily in the socioeconomic dimension of their lives, leading to a series of other violations, including lack of access to justice and undue/disproportionate/excessive criminalization;
  • Reveal the opportunities for strengthening women’s and girls’ human security and socioeconomic equality (e.g. obligations of prevention of human rights’ violations by identifying risk factors and addressing known risks; norms and policies for countering women’s and girls’ poverty; norms and policies for reducing economic inequality, such as taxation, debt and redistribution measures, gendered perspective in free trade agreements, and gendered budgeting in economic and social policy);
  • Identify promising approaches and make recommendations for promoting and protecting women’s and girls’ human security, through addressing their condition of poverty and socioeconomic inequality due to systemic gender-based discrimination.

Key questions and types of input/comments sought

How inputs will be used

Responses to the questionnaire will be made publicly available at the time of the report publication, unless requested otherwise.

Next Steps

Input/comments may be sent by e-mail. They must be received by 3 October 2022 18:00 CEST.

Email address:

Email subject line:
Input for report on human security of women and girls in the context of poverty and inequality

Word limit:
2500 words

File formats:
Word, PDF

Accepted languages:
English, Spanish, French

Postal address:
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva, CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

+41 22 917 9008

CALL FOR WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS: Consultations of the Committee on NGOs with NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC

The deadline for submitting written contributions is 31 August 2022.

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) will hold consultations with organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC to discuss questions of interest to the Committee or to the organizations relating to the relationship between the NGOs and the United Nations in line with paragraph 61 (a) of ECOSOC resolution 1996/31. The consultations will take the form of written submissions and an interactive hearing which will be held in New York on 9 December 2022 from 10:00am – 1:00pm.

As part of the consultation process, all NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC are invited to submit their contributions and views on four key questions in the Concept Note ahead of the hearing by following the instructions below: Instructions for submission of of Written Inputs

  • Use the name of your organization as the document’s name.
  • The written submission should address the four questions outlined in the Concept Note.
  • Your submission to each question should not exceed 500 words.
  • To submit your written inputs, Log in to your NGO profile and under the “Correspondence tab” click on “New Message.” Attach the document to the email, and use “2022 Consultations with NGOs in consultative status-Written Submissions” as the email title/subject, and “Event/Meeting” as the category.
  • Please note that we are not able to accept other formats such as PDF, jpeg, etc.
  • Press “send”. Please note that your submission is final; you will not be able to edit your statement submission or send multiple versions.
  • Kindly ensure that your written submission is finalized prior to sending the document.

Please refer to the Concept Note (in English) for further details.

Instructions on registering for participation at the Interactive Hearing will be made available in the coming weeks.

Your contribution is important!

Civil Society Mapping and Engagement Initiative

15 March 2022: Deadline for organisations to register their interest for Civil Society Mapping and Engagement Initiative

Independent Expert calls for input on the rights of older persons deprived of liberty and the right to adequate housing.

1 April 2022: Deadline: Independent Expert calls for input on the rights of older persons deprived of liberty and the right to adequate housing.

Registration to the 2022 ECOSOC Partnership Forum online event platform is now open!

The 2022 ECOSOC Partnership Forum will be held virtually on 2 February 2022 on the theme “Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. The ECOSOC Partnership Forum will be an opportunity for governments and multiple stakeholders to exchange new ideas, recommendations and priorities for the upcoming work of the ECOSOC and the UN high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF); and shine the spotlight on forward-looking actions and partnerships that promote a sustainable recovery from the pandemic and accelerate progress towards the SDGs.

Register here to attend the event on the online Whova event platform and access all sessions, including plenaries, thematic spotlight sessions, a Partnership Exchange and side events.

Through the Whova event platform, participants can attend the ECOSOC Partnership Forum including:

  • View the event agenda and plan your personal schedule
  • Access live stream of all sessions and use the session Q&A to ask questions of the panelists
  • Virtually connect and network with other attendees
  • Create and converse through various Discussion Topics in the Community Board
  • Receive event updates such as last minute session changes from the organizers

For more information about the 2022 ECOSOC Partnership Forum, including programme, information note and related documentation, please see here.

Call for inputs – OHCHR report on the contribution of transitional justice to sustaining peace and the realization of SDG 16

Opportunities for NGOs to address the Commission

CSW 66 – Opportunities for ECOSOC NGOs to Address the Commission

Written statements

NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) may submit written statements on the thematic issues considered by CSW66, in accordance with Council resolution 1996/31.


Submission of written statements for CSW66 will be open for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC from 24 September to 15 October 2021. We are not able to accept late submissions.


NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) may submit one individual statement per organization and may sign on to multiple joint statements. NGOs are strongly encouraged to submit joint statements in collaboration with other NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC.

Written statements by organizations in general consultative status with ECOSOC may not exceed 2,000 words including the cover page; statements by organizations in special consultative status with ECOSOC may not exceed 1,500 words including the cover page.

Written statements may be submitted in one of the official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish) and will be published on the CSW website in the language received, closer to the session.

>>To submit a written statement, please click here for instructions and submission email.


Making a speech during the general discussion

Subject to time availability, oral statements may be delivered during the general discussion by a limited number of NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC. Preference will be given to NGOs speaking about the priority theme or review theme, on behalf of groups of organizations, caucuses, or coalitions.

Oral statements should not exceed three minutes (approx. two pages double-spaced using font size 12). Instructions will be communicated, via e-mail, to the NGOs that will be selected.

Sign-up for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC wishing to express interest in delivering an oral statement during the general discussion at CSW usually opens in January.


Intervening from the floor during an interactive dialogue

A limited number of NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC will be able to make oral interventions during the interactive panels. Interventions must be focused on the theme of the panel and not on any other issues.

Interventions at interactive expert panels are NOT to be in the form of prepared statements; NGOs are therefore not required to submit copies of such interventions. These interventions must be in the form of comments or questions addressed to the panel experts. Interventions should not exceed three minutes. Instructions will be communicated via e-mail to organizations that will be selected to make an intervention.

Sign-up for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC wishing to express interest in intervening from the floor during a dialogue or an interactive panel usually opens in January.

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