
This events calendar is an announcement service by CoNGO to its member organizations, its NGO substantive committees, the wider civil society community, and the UN System. All events included here, including their accuracy, are the sole responsibility of their organizers. Unless explicitly indicated, inclusion of an event in this calendar does not constitute CoNGO endorsement of the event.  If you have an event or meeting you want to be considered for announcement here, please email us at



Mobilizing Moral Influence and Governance to End the Systemic Injustices of Racism, the Legacy of Colonialism and Slavery


8th Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations in International Affairs Mobilizing Moral Influence and Governance to End the Systemic Injustices of Racism, the Legacy of Colonialism and Slavery 25 January 2022 8:00 - 12:30 EDT Click here to register PROGRAM Moderators for the Day: Ms. Quinn Wonderling, Senior Coordinator of United
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Mobilizing Moral Influence and Governance to End the Systemic Injustices of Racism, the Legacy of Colonialism and Slavery


8th Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations in International Affairs Mobilizing Moral Influence and Governance to End the Systemic Injustices of Racism, the Legacy of Colonialism and Slavery 25 January 2022 8:00 - 12:30 EDT Click here to register PROGRAM Moderators for the Day: Ms. Quinn Wonderling, Senior Coordinator of United
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Two years after the death of George Floyd: Antiracism, #BLM and the United Nations


As people continue to challenge the systemic racism that has devalued the lives of Black and Brown people globally, many are asking the question: why do some of these tragic events spark a stronger call for change than others? Floyd’s murder also revived the concept of antiracism. The webinar will explore, in practice, what it
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Two years after the death of George Floyd: Antiracism, #BLM and the United Nations


As people continue to challenge the systemic racism that has devalued the lives of Black and Brown people globally, many are asking the question: why do some of these tragic events spark a stronger call for change than others? Floyd’s murder also revived the concept of antiracism. The webinar will explore, in practice, what it
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[monthly mtg] NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Agenda for June 16, 2022 Zoom link: 1. Moment of Silence in Honor of the Land we are on and the Native Peoples of this Land 2. Welcome and Review of Agenda 3. Meeting Minutes of April 21, 2022 4. Report of the Executive Committee 5. Guest
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[monthly mtg] NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Agenda for June 16, 2022 Zoom link: 1. Moment of Silence in Honor of the Land we are on and the Native Peoples of this Land 2. Welcome and Review of Agenda 3. Meeting Minutes of April 21, 2022 4. Report of the Executive Committee 5. Guest
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Coloniality of Knowledge in Hegemonic Psychology, II: Confronting Professional Discipline


SPSSI is proud to host a webinar series this semester entitled "Decolonial Perspectives on the Psychological Study of Social Issues," which has been organized by the Readsura Decolonial Editorial Collective. All webinars in this series are free and open to everyone. Please join us for the fourth webinar in this series, on... Coloniality of Knowledge in Hegemonic Psychology, II: Confronting Professional
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Coloniality of Knowledge in Hegemonic Psychology, II: Confronting Professional Discipline


SPSSI is proud to host a webinar series this semester entitled "Decolonial Perspectives on the Psychological Study of Social Issues," which has been organized by the Readsura Decolonial Editorial Collective. All webinars in this series are free and open to everyone. Please join us for the fourth webinar in this series, on... Coloniality of Knowledge in Hegemonic Psychology, II: Confronting Professional
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