
Trilateral Meeting of Regional FBOs Networks for the SDGs

Dear colleagues,

You are invited to the Trilateral Meeting of Regional FBOs Networks for the SDGs at the 2021 Meeting of the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) to be held on Friday, July 16, 2021, at 9:00 am New York City time.

Register here!


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit rngos.wordpress.com. For more information on the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns-NY, please visit csvgc-ny.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief, please visit unforb.org.

Trilateral Meeting of Regional FBOs Networks for the SDGs

Dear colleagues,

You are invited to the Trilateral Meeting of Regional FBOs Networks for the SDGs at the 2021 Meeting of the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) to be held on Friday, July 16, 2021, at 9:00 am New York City time.

Register here!


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit rngos.wordpress.com. For more information on the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns-NY, please visit csvgc-ny.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief, please visit unforb.org.

Towards the creation of a UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change

Dear friends and colleagues,

As the 47th session of the Human Rights Council (21 June-13 July 2021) is about to end, we would like to invite you to a virtual briefing for civil society and Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, to take stock of the most recent developments on the proposal to establish a new UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change under the Human Rights Council and discuss the way forward.

The event Towards the creation of a UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change: Briefing on the June/July 2021 Session of the Human Rights Council (HRC47) will take place on Thursday 15 July, from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM GMT+2/CEST.

Register at the following link: https://bit.ly/2SVkcZu. Interpretation in French and Spanish will be provided.

Please find the concept note here and the background note here.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit facebook.com/NGOCoRIP. For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please ngocsd-ny.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit ngocsdvienna.org.

Towards the creation of a UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change

Dear friends and colleagues,

As the 47th session of the Human Rights Council (21 June-13 July 2021) is about to end, we would like to invite you to a virtual briefing for civil society and Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, to take stock of the most recent developments on the proposal to establish a new UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change under the Human Rights Council and discuss the way forward.

The event Towards the creation of a UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change: Briefing on the June/July 2021 Session of the Human Rights Council (HRC47) will take place on Thursday 15 July, from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM GMT+2/CEST.

Register at the following link: https://bit.ly/2SVkcZu. Interpretation in French and Spanish will be provided.

Please find the concept note here and the background note here.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit facebook.com/NGOCoRIP. For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please ngocsd-ny.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit ngocsdvienna.org.

Reclaiming and Transforming Multilateralism: Towards a Peoples’ Multilateralism

Alongside the High-Level Political Forum 2021, ActionAid’s Youth Working Group will launch its popular education and advocacy series called “Reclaiming and Transforming Multilateralism: Towards a Peoples’ Multilateralism.” The report was authored by Diyana Yahaya, edited by Nancy Kachingwe, and commissioned by Katherine Robinson.

This series of primers are intended to raise awareness and increase participation amongst the youth movements and young human rights defenders, including young womxn and feminist activists, on the importance of multilateral spaces in safeguarding and expanding their rights, advancing social justice, defending democratic space, and fostering cooperation and solidarity between states as well as between peoples’. With a focus on global multilateral spaces and institutions, it explores the current state of multilateralism, attacks on and the corporate capture of multilateral spaces; and how we can reclaim and transform multilateralism in a way that puts human rights, environmental, social, and gender justice at its center.

Join this panel of feminists from across the Global South in reimagining a just future. Register here!


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit ngosocdev.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Intergenerational Solidarity, please email the vice chair at susanne.seperson@gmail.com. For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY, please visit ngocsw.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Vienna, please visit ngocswvienna.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Geneva, please visit ngocsw-geneva.ch

Reclaiming and Transforming Multilateralism: Towards a Peoples’ Multilateralism

Alongside the High-Level Political Forum 2021, ActionAid’s Youth Working Group will launch its popular education and advocacy series called “Reclaiming and Transforming Multilateralism: Towards a Peoples’ Multilateralism.” The report was authored by Diyana Yahaya, edited by Nancy Kachingwe, and commissioned by Katherine Robinson.

This series of primers are intended to raise awareness and increase participation amongst the youth movements and young human rights defenders, including young womxn and feminist activists, on the importance of multilateral spaces in safeguarding and expanding their rights, advancing social justice, defending democratic space, and fostering cooperation and solidarity between states as well as between peoples’. With a focus on global multilateral spaces and institutions, it explores the current state of multilateralism, attacks on and the corporate capture of multilateral spaces; and how we can reclaim and transform multilateralism in a way that puts human rights, environmental, social, and gender justice at its center.

Join this panel of feminists from across the Global South in reimagining a just future. Register here!


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit ngosocdev.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Intergenerational Solidarity, please email the vice chair at susanne.seperson@gmail.com. For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY, please visit ngocsw.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Vienna, please visit ngocswvienna.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Geneva, please visit ngocsw-geneva.ch

No-First-Use: A powerful tool to achieve a world without nuclear weapons

Dear colleagues,

We draw your attention to the international launch on July 15 of NoFirstUse Global, a campaign platform and network promoting no-first-use policies globally as a measure to prevent nuclear war and to help achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world.

Support for No-First-Use policies is growing in nuclear armed countries and around the world, as evidenced by the recent Open Letter to Presidents Biden and Putin on No-First-Use which was endorsed by over 1200 political, military and religious leaders, as well as legislators, academics/scientists and other representatives of civil society. Find out more by attending the launch event.

Register here for Session B, which is timed for the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LIMFa4HXTzqCVaAKToVr1Q

July 15 Program:

  • Tribute for the 76th anniversary of the Trinity nuclear test;
  • Introductions to NoFirstUse Global from cosponsoring organizations;
  • Video messages from prominent supporters;
  • Launch of a social media action ‘Don’t even think about starting a nuclear war’
  • Questions and comments from the audience/participants


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace, and Security, please visit ngocdps.wordpress.com. For more information on the NGO Committee on Human Rights, please email the co-chairs at bobbinassar@gmail.com or bknotts@uua.org. 

No-First-Use: A powerful tool to achieve a world without nuclear weapons

Dear colleagues,

We draw your attention to the international launch on July 15 of NoFirstUse Global, a campaign platform and network promoting no-first-use policies globally as a measure to prevent nuclear war and to help achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world.

Support for No-First-Use policies is growing in nuclear armed countries and around the world, as evidenced by the recent Open Letter to Presidents Biden and Putin on No-First-Use which was endorsed by over 1200 political, military and religious leaders, as well as legislators, academics/scientists and other representatives of civil society. Find out more by attending the launch event.

Register here for Session B, which is timed for the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LIMFa4HXTzqCVaAKToVr1Q

July 15 Program:

  • Tribute for the 76th anniversary of the Trinity nuclear test;
  • Introductions to NoFirstUse Global from cosponsoring organizations;
  • Video messages from prominent supporters;
  • Launch of a social media action ‘Don’t even think about starting a nuclear war’
  • Questions and comments from the audience/participants


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace, and Security, please visit ngocdps.wordpress.com. For more information on the NGO Committee on Human Rights, please email the co-chairs at bobbinassar@gmail.com or bknotts@uua.org. 

Building Back Better after COVID-19 through Addressing Health Equity, Mental Health, and Well-being: Contributions of Psychological Science and Practice to Leave No One Behind

Building Back Better after COVID-19 through Addressing Health Equity, Mental Health, and Well-being: Contributions of Psychological Science and Practice to Leave No One Behind

The event highlights challenges and solutions related to achieving health and mental health equity in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Speakers include experts, “voices from the field,” and high-level diplomats from the co-sponsoring UN Missions of Sierra Leone, Bahrain, Canada, Ecuador, Georgia, Iceland, Japan, Lebanon, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Portugal, Sweden, Costa Rica, and Qatar, as well as the World Health Organization, the International Association of Applied Psychology, the American Psychological Association, and the United African Congress.

We look forward to you joining us. Please feel free to circulate/post this invitation to your lists and colleagues.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__yJ1ykoeTGCoj4WtLxqB6g


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Mental Health, please visit ngomentalhealth.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit ngosocdev.org.

Building Back Better after COVID-19 through Addressing Health Equity, Mental Health, and Well-being: Contributions of Psychological Science and Practice to Leave No One Behind

Building Back Better after COVID-19 through Addressing Health Equity, Mental Health, and Well-being: Contributions of Psychological Science and Practice to Leave No One Behind

The event highlights challenges and solutions related to achieving health and mental health equity in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Speakers include experts, “voices from the field,” and high-level diplomats from the co-sponsoring UN Missions of Sierra Leone, Bahrain, Canada, Ecuador, Georgia, Iceland, Japan, Lebanon, Mali, Mexico, Nepal, Portugal, Sweden, Costa Rica, and Qatar, as well as the World Health Organization, the International Association of Applied Psychology, the American Psychological Association, and the United African Congress.

We look forward to you joining us. Please feel free to circulate/post this invitation to your lists and colleagues.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__yJ1ykoeTGCoj4WtLxqB6g


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Mental Health, please visit ngomentalhealth.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit ngosocdev.org.

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