
This events calendar is an announcement service by CoNGO to its member organizations, its NGO substantive committees, the wider civil society community, and the UN System. All events included here, including their accuracy, are the sole responsibility of their organizers. Unless explicitly indicated, inclusion of an event in this calendar does not constitute CoNGO endorsement of the event.  If you have an event or meeting you want to be considered for announcement here, please email us at infonews@ngocongo.org.



No Capes Needed: A Safe-Space During Nurses Week


It's been a year - join a free, therapist-led virtual support circle for nurses at noon EST on May 6th. This safe space to help process grief and loss are a place where the capes can come off and compartmentalization can come down. Gift yourself an hour where you don't need to hold it all together. During
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No Capes Needed: A Safe-Space During Nurses Week


It's been a year - join a free, therapist-led virtual support circle for nurses at noon EST on May 6th. This safe space to help process grief and loss are a place where the capes can come off and compartmentalization can come down. Gift yourself an hour where you don't need to hold it all together. During
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CRNGO Climate Working Group advocacy meeting


Good afternoon colleagues, Eid Mubaak to those of you celebrating / recognizing Eid ul Fitr. As discussed on at the 3 May meeting, the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations' Working Group on Climate will have an informal, 60-min meeting to discuss COP26 Advocacy this coming Monday, 17 May, at 10:00 am EDT. Here's
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CRNGO Climate Working Group advocacy meeting


Good afternoon colleagues, Eid Mubaak to those of you celebrating / recognizing Eid ul Fitr. As discussed on at the 3 May meeting, the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations' Working Group on Climate will have an informal, 60-min meeting to discuss COP26 Advocacy this coming Monday, 17 May, at 10:00 am EDT. Here's
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COVID-19 and the Increasing Risks of Substandard and Falsified Pharmaceutical Products in Africa


Dear CoNGO members, I am delighted to get in touch with you for the first time since the Brazzaville Foundation’s membership in November 2020 to the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO). On the occasion of the upcoming World Health Assembly and Africa Day, the Brazzaville Foundation is pleased to invite
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COVID-19 and the Increasing Risks of Substandard and Falsified Pharmaceutical Products in Africa


Dear CoNGO members, I am delighted to get in touch with you for the first time since the Brazzaville Foundation’s membership in November 2020 to the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO). On the occasion of the upcoming World Health Assembly and Africa Day, the Brazzaville Foundation is pleased to invite
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Building Global Momentum for Adult Vaccination Policy within COVID-19: Making COVID-19 a Springboard for Adult Vaccinations


The COVID-19 pandemic has unearthed an uncomfortable structural and societal ageism affecting the human rights of millions of people around the world. From hospital triaging guidelines to chronic understaffing of long-term care facilities, national health systems did not take the necessary steps to ensure that vulnerable people had access to life-saving health services, regardless of
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Building Global Momentum for Adult Vaccination Policy within COVID-19: Making COVID-19 a Springboard for Adult Vaccinations


The COVID-19 pandemic has unearthed an uncomfortable structural and societal ageism affecting the human rights of millions of people around the world. From hospital triaging guidelines to chronic understaffing of long-term care facilities, national health systems did not take the necessary steps to ensure that vulnerable people had access to life-saving health services, regardless of
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Access Ends Hunger: How Can We Improve Access to Essential Resources?


This last year has highlighted incredible disparities in access to essential resources. The World Food Programme estimates that, due to COVID-19, 111 million more people are without access to sufficient nutrition. And UNICEF has determined that 500 million students are cut off from remote learning options at a time when remote learning is their only
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Access Ends Hunger: How Can We Improve Access to Essential Resources?


This last year has highlighted incredible disparities in access to essential resources. The World Food Programme estimates that, due to COVID-19, 111 million more people are without access to sufficient nutrition. And UNICEF has determined that 500 million students are cut off from remote learning options at a time when remote learning is their only
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