This events calendar is an announcement service by CoNGO to its member organizations, its NGO substantive committees, the wider civil society community, and the UN System. All events included here, including their accuracy, are the sole responsibility of their organizers. Unless explicitly indicated, inclusion of an event in this calendar does not constitute CoNGO endorsement of the event. If you have an event or meeting you want to be considered for announcement here, please email us at
Religions for Peace
Redefining Leadership, Re-Envisioning Faith and Reconstructing Humanitarianism
worldwide/virtualDear Religions for Peace Leaders, We are so pleased that many of you have already registered for the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UN CSW 65). If you have not already registered on the NGO/CSW platform, please be informed that the event will be live-streamed on 25 March at 9AM ET from our Facebook page. Kindly be sure
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Redefining Leadership, Re-Envisioning Faith and Reconstructing Humanitarianism
worldwide/virtualDear Religions for Peace Leaders, We are so pleased that many of you have already registered for the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UN CSW 65). If you have not already registered on the NGO/CSW platform, please be informed that the event will be live-streamed on 25 March at 9AM ET from our Facebook page. Kindly be sure
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Restorative Justice, Intergenerational Healing, and Reconciliation
worldwide/virtualJoin a Religions for Peace "Faithful Conversation": Restorative Justice, Intergenerational Healing, and Reconciliation Religious and spiritual leaders in Canada and from across the globe share the profound sorrow and agony of indigenous communities as unmarked graves of indigenous children are found on the grounds of residential schools in Canada. Religious and spiritual leaders join Religions for
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Restorative Justice, Intergenerational Healing, and Reconciliation
worldwide/virtualJoin a Religions for Peace "Faithful Conversation": Restorative Justice, Intergenerational Healing, and Reconciliation Religious and spiritual leaders in Canada and from across the globe share the profound sorrow and agony of indigenous communities as unmarked graves of indigenous children are found on the grounds of residential schools in Canada. Religious and spiritual leaders join Religions for
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The Fear of “The Great Replacement” and Impact on Society
worldwide/virtualThursday, Aug. 18, 2022, 2 PM to 3 PM ET Join Live via Zoom or Facebook. Please click here to register. Please join Religions for Peace for a discussion on how the fear of “The Great Replacement” has provided motivation for many heinous attacks on racial and religious minorities and what should be the role of religious communities
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The Fear of “The Great Replacement” and Impact on Society
worldwide/virtualThursday, Aug. 18, 2022, 2 PM to 3 PM ET Join Live via Zoom or Facebook. Please click here to register. Please join Religions for Peace for a discussion on how the fear of “The Great Replacement” has provided motivation for many heinous attacks on racial and religious minorities and what should be the role of religious communities
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Contemporary “Worship” of Firearms: Challenging Current Interpretations of the 2nd Amendment
worldwide/virtualPlease join Religions for Peace for a discussion on the evolution of the 2nd amendment and how the civic religion of the United States uses / subverts Judeo-Christian teachings to exalt firearms. We will explore how the interpretation of 2nd amendment as an individual right to bear arms has superseded the unalienable right to “life,
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Contemporary “Worship” of Firearms: Challenging Current Interpretations of the 2nd Amendment
worldwide/virtualPlease join Religions for Peace for a discussion on the evolution of the 2nd amendment and how the civic religion of the United States uses / subverts Judeo-Christian teachings to exalt firearms. We will explore how the interpretation of 2nd amendment as an individual right to bear arms has superseded the unalienable right to “life,
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The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life
worldwide/virtualPlease join Religions for Peace USA for a conversation with Dr. Simran Jeet Singh about his new best seller book which shows how each of us can turn away from fear and uncertainty and move toward renewal and positive change. This webinar is co-hosted by Sikh Council for Interfaith Relations and Religions for Peace USA.
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The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life
worldwide/virtualPlease join Religions for Peace USA for a conversation with Dr. Simran Jeet Singh about his new best seller book which shows how each of us can turn away from fear and uncertainty and move toward renewal and positive change. This webinar is co-hosted by Sikh Council for Interfaith Relations and Religions for Peace USA.
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