Invitation to participate in an ONLINE SURVEY: Assessment on ASEAN Women, Peace and Security
Survey Form Link:
Assessment on ASEAN Women, Peace and Security
Salaam to all and a blessed day!
The Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy, in collaboration with the Southeast Asian Women Peacebuilders and ASEAN Society Philippines, and supported by UN Women – Indonesia, is undertaking efforts to enhance awareness of and build support for the implementation of the WPS agenda in Southeast Asia. The initiative falls under the UN Women and Global Affairs Canada (GAC) regional programme, “Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace: preventing violence and promoting social cohesion in ASEAN.”
This questionnaire has been formulated to collect information on knowledge, actions and priorities from stakeholders of WPS in the region. Your participation is vital to the creation of an inclusive and gender-responsive repository which will guide us as we undertake awareness-raising activities on the WPS.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may skip any question you do not wish to answer for any reason. Your survey answers will be stored initially with Google Sheets. Data will later be downloaded and stored for the purpose of analytics.
You may access the survey form at
At the end of the survey, you will be asked if you are interested in participating in an additional interview [by Zoom or email]. If you choose to participate, please provide your contact information. Kindly note that your survey responses may no longer be anonymous to the researcher. However, no names or identifying information would be included in any publications or presentations based on these data, and your responses to this survey will remain confidential unless you expressly allow otherwise.
Thank you very much for your invaluable support.
Should you have any questions, please email Salma T. Rasul, Esq., Project Coordinator, Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy at