Presidents of CoNGO (Conference of Non-governmental Organization in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations) from 1948 to the Present
1948-1949: Howard E. Wilson
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Chair, Interim Committee)
1949-1950: Howard E. Wilson
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
1950-1953: Elfan Rees
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (World Council of Churches)
1953-1955: Gerhart Riegner
World Jewish Congress
1955-1957: Eunice Carter
International Council of Women
1957-1960: J. Duncan Wood
Friends World Committee for Consultation
1960-1963: Robert Smith
World Federation of United Nations Associations
1963-1966: Georges Eggerman
International Federation of Christian Trade Unions
1966-1969: Posie Sheppard
League of Red Cross Societies
1969-1972: H. L. Horace Perera
World Federation of United Nations Associations
1972-1976: Rosalind Harris
International Social Service
1976-1982: Edith Ballantyne
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
1982-1985: Alba Zizzamia
World Union of Catholic Women Organizations
1985-1991: Marek Hagmajer
World Federation of United Nations Associations
1991-1994: Rosalind Harris
International Social Service
1994-1997: Robert Harris
Education International
1997-2000: Afaf Mahfouz
Society for International Development and Arab Lawyers Union
2000-2007: Renate Bloem
World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women
2007-2011: Liberato C. Bautista
United Methodist Church—General Board of Church and Society
2011-2018: Cyril Ritchie
Union of International Associations
2018-2025: Liberato C. Bautista
United Methodist Church—General Board of Church and Society
{CoNGO Presidents are elected in their personal capacities. They are officially endorsed by their organizations—listed here for identification purposes—which are CoNGO members in good standing at the time of their election}.