This events calendar is an announcement service by CoNGO to its member organizations, its NGO substantive committees, the wider civil society community, and the UN System. All events included here, including their accuracy, are the sole responsibility of their organizers. Unless explicitly indicated, inclusion of an event in this calendar does not constitute CoNGO endorsement of the event. If you have an event or meeting you want to be considered for announcement here, please email us at
Latest Past Events
Monthly Meeting: NGO Committee on the Status of Women – NY
VirtualMonthly Meeting: NGO Committee on the Status of Women - NY June’s Monthly Meeting will focus on the intersection between health and finance in the gender impacts of COVID-19. The topic will be approached through a multilateral lens, with speakers from various sectors including civil society, government, and United Nations agencies. Read the detailed concept note and program
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Monthly Meeting: NGO Committee on the Status of Women – NY
VirtualMonthly Meeting: NGO Committee on the Status of Women - NY June’s Monthly Meeting will focus on the intersection between health and finance in the gender impacts of COVID-19. The topic will be approached through a multilateral lens, with speakers from various sectors including civil society, government, and United Nations agencies. Read the detailed concept note and program
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{Virtual Town Hall} COVID-19 and Older People: What It Takes to be an Advocate
VirtualGreetings, Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, global leaders in civil society have come together to address the devastating and ongoing impacts to the lives and functioning of older people. Going beyond the immediate emergency response and informing effective long-term policy frameworks will require sustained efforts and a unified voice to respond to the
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