Member Organizations

ALERTCoNGO lists its members here based on their desire to continue membership with CoNGO. Active membership in CoNGO is maintained by paying annual membership dues. Please get in touch with the CoNGO President ( for any of the following matters related to this verification: 1) change in the name of your organization, including website address; 2) names of contact persons for timely communication; 3) your organization is a member, but you do not find it listed here; 4) change in the accreditation status of your organization within the UN system; and 5) your organization is no longer a member and must be delisted. I appreciate your cooperation.

Updated January 9, 2025


    1. AARP | American Association of Retired Persons, International |
    2. Academic Council on the United Nations System | ACUNS |
    3. Academy for Future Science | AFS |
    4. ActionAid | AA |
    5. African Services Committee | ASC |
    6. African Women’s Development & Communication Network | FEMNET |
    7. Afromedianet |
    8. Agewell Foundation |
    9. Agrenska Foundation |
    10. AIDS Foundation East-West | AFEW International |
    11. Airline Ambassadors International |
    12. Al-Hakim Foundation | al-hakimtrust
    13. Åland Islands Peace Institute, The | Ålands fredsinstitut | AIPI |
    14. All-China Women’s Federation | ACWF |
    15. All India Women’s Conference |
    16. All Pakistan Women’s Association |
    17. Alliance Defending Freedom International | ADF International |
    18. Altrusa International, Inc. |
    19. American Association of University Women | AAUW |
    20. American Correctional Association | ACA |
    21. American Family Association of New York |
    22. American Indian Law Alliance | AILA |
    23. American Institute of Graphic Arts | AIGA |
    24. American Medical Women’s Association | MWIA 
    25. American Psychological Association | APA |
    26. Amman Center for Human Rights Studies | ACHRS |
    27. Anglican Consultative Council | ACC |
    28. Arab Center for the Independence of Judiciary and Legal Profession, The | ACIJLP |
    29. Arab Council for Childhood & Development | ACCD |
    30. Arab Lawyers Union | ALU |
    31. Arab Medical Union in Europe | ARABMED |
    32. Armenian Assembly of America | AAA |
    33. Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Centre | ACRPC |
    34. Armenian International Women’s Association | AIWA |
    35. Armenian Relief Society, Inc. | ARS |
    36. Art of Living Foundation |
    37. Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education | ASPBAE |
    38. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development | FORUM-ASIA |
    39. Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women | ARROW |
    40. Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development | AFPPD |
    41. Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia | ADHRRA |
    42. Asociacion Civil Consorcio Desarrollo y Justicia | Justice Consortium |
    43. Asociacion Cubana de las Naciones Unidas | Cuban United Nations Association | ACNU |
    44. Asociacion de Antiguas Alumnas del Colegios Madres Irlandesas  |
    45. Asociación Latinoamericana de Derechos Humanos | ALDHU |
    46. Associacio Plataforma per la Llengua | Collectiu l’Esbarzer |
    47. Associated Country Women of the World | ACWW |
    48. Association Culturelle d’Aide à la Promotion Éducative et Sociale | ACAPES |
    49. Association Droit à l’Energie | SOS Futur |
    50. Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence | International Association of Conference Interpreters | AIIC |
    51. Association for Progressive Communications | APC |
    52. Association for Supporting the SDGs for the UN | ASD |
    53. Association for Trauma Outreach and Prevention, Inc. | ATOP Meaningfulworld |
    54. Association of Presbyterian Women of Aotearoa New Zealand | PWANZ |
    55. Association pour l’action sociale et le développement | ASD |  |
    56. Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII | APG23 |
    57. Atheist Alliance International | AAI |
    58. Augustinians International | AI |
    59. AVSI Foundation | Association de Volontaires pour le Service International | Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale |
    60. Baha’i International Community | BIC |
    61. Bangladesh Mahila Parishad |
    62. Bangwe et Dialogue |
    63. Baptist World Alliance | BWA |
    64. Becket Fund for Religious Liberty |
    65. Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University | BKWSU | |
    66. B’nai B’rith International | Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations | CBJO |
    67. Brazzaville Foundation, The |
    68. Brothers of Charity |
    69. Buddha’s Light International Association |
    70. Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation |
    71. Building and Wood Workers’ International | formerly International Federation of Building and Wood Workers | BWI |
    72. CGFNS International, Inc. |
    73. Cambodia Foundation
    74. Cameroon Development and Education Foundation | CADEF |
    75. Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network |
    76. Caribbean Policy Development Center, Inc. | CPDC |
    77. Caritas Internationalis | International Confederation of Catholic Charities |
    78. Catholics for Choice |
    79. Center for International Health and Cooperation | CIHC |
    80. Center for International Rehabilitation | Physicians Against Land Mines | CIR |
    81. Center for Policy Studies | PIR Center |
    82. Center for Reproductive Rights, Inc., The | Formerly Center for Reproductive Law & Policy |
    83. Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia | CSRDG |
    84. Center for Women’s Global Leadership | CWGL |
    85. Centre Africaine de Recherche Interdisciplinaire | CARI |
    86. Centre Catholique International de Genève | CCIG |
    87. Centre de recherches et de promotion pour la sauvegarde des sites et monuments historiques en Afrique |
    88. Centre Europe – Tiers Monde | Europe-Third World Centre | CETIM |
    89. Centre for Social Research | CSR |
    90. Change Manangement Solutions
    91. Child Development Foundation |
    92. ChildFund Alliance | Christian Children’s Fund |
    93. Child Welfare League of America, Inc. |
    94. China Society for Human Rights Studies | CSHRS |
    95. Chinese Association for International Understanding | CAFIU |
    96. Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries | CPAFFC |
    97. Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament | CPAPD |
    98. Christian Conference of Asia | CCA |
    99. Church Women United | CWU |
    100. Church World Service | CWS Global |
    101. CIVICUS | World Alliance for Citizen Participation |
    102. Club Ohada Thies |
    103. Coalition Against Trafficking in Women |
    104. Comite de Apoyo a los Trabajadores Agricolas, El | The Farmworker Support Committee |
    105. Comité Français des ONG pour la liaison et l’information des Nations Unies
    106. Comité International pour le Respect et l’Application de la Charte Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples  | ICRAC | CIRAC
    107. Comité National d’Action pour les Droits de l’Enfant et de la Femme | CADEF |
    108. Commonwealth Human Ecology Council | CHEC |
    109. Communications Coordination Committee for the UN | CCCUN |
    110. Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America | CADCA |
    111. Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility | CPSR |
    112. Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry | CACCI |
    113. Confederation of Associations Working for World Peace | CAPCOM
    114. Conference of European Churches | CEC-KEK |
    115. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd | Good Shepherd Sisters |
    116. Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Carmelite NGO |
    117. Congregation of St. Joseph at the UN
    118. Congregation Pirchei Shoshanim (PS) |
    119. Congressional Black Caucus Political Education and Leadership Institute | CBCI |
    120. Conscience and Peace Tax International | CPTI |
    121. Consultative Council of Jewish Organizations | CCJO |
    122. Coordination des Associations et Particuliers pour la Liberte de Conscience | CAPLC |
    123. Coordination Française pour le Lobby Européen des Femmes | CLEF |
    124. Council of American Overseas Research Centers | CAORC |
    125. CREDO-Action |
    126. Croatian World Congress | CWC |
    127. David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies | Brigham Young University |
    128. Defence for Children International | DCI |
    129. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. |
    130. Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era | DAWN |
    131. Development Promotion Group | DPG |
    132. DEVNET Association | Development Information Network |
    133. Dhaka Ahsania Mission | DAM |
    134. Dianova International |
    135. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America | TEC |
    136. Dominican Leadership Conference | DLC |
    137. DoTheDream Development Youth Initiative |
    138. Dzeno Association
    139. Ecospirituality Foundation |
    140. Education International | EI-IE |
    141. Educational Cooperation Society | ECS |
    142. Emmaus International Association |
    143. European Union of Women |
    144. European Women’s Lobby | Lobby European des Femmes | EWL |
    145. FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society |
    146. Fairleigh Dickinson University | FDU |
    147. Families of the Missing | FOM | IFFAMPAC |
    148. Family Care International | FCI |
    149. Family Planning Association of Pakistan
    150. Family Planning Association of Turkey |
    151. Fastenopfer | Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund |
    152. Federal Union of European Nationalities | FUEN |
    153. Federation Internationale des Droits de l’Homme | FIDH |
    154. Federation Internationale des Petits Frères des Pauvres | International Federation of the Little Brothers of the Poor |
    155. Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas | FAWCO |
    156. Federation of Cuban Women |
    157. Femmes Afrique Solidarité | FAS |
    158. Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises Mondiale | FCEM |
    159. Fondation Chantal Biya | FCB |
    160. Fondation Haitienne pour l’Habitat et l’Integration des Sans-Abris | FONDHABISA |
    161. Fondation Marangopoulos pour les Droits de l’Homme | Foundation for Human Rights | FMDH |
    162. Fondation Surgir |
    163. Fondazione Cesar |
    164. Fondazione Proclade Internazionale – Onlus | Claretian Promotion for Development |
    165. Foundation for the American Indian |
    166. Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture | Fundacion Promocion Social de la Cultura| | FPSC |
    167. Foundation Projekta for Women and Development Services | Stichting Projekta |
    168. Fordham University 
    169. Fracarita International |
    170. Franciscans International |
    171. Fraternité Notre Dame, Inc. |
    172. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung |
    173. Fundacion Abba Colombia | Fundacion Abbacol | FAC |
    174. Fundación Educación y Cooperación | Formerly Fundacion Intervida – Education and Development Foundation | EDUCO |
    175. Fundacion Diagrama – Intervencion Psicosocial |
    176. Fundación Mexicana René Mey |
    177. Fundacion para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer | FEIM |
    178. Fundacion para la Mejora de la Vida, la Cultura y la Sociedad (Fundacion MEJORA)  |
    179. Fundacion Sales |
    180. Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association | FHRRDA |
    181. GCS International | GCS |
    182. General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists |
    183. Generations United |
    184. Global Action on Aging | GAA |
    185. Global Call to Action Against Poverty |
    186. Global Civic Sharing |
    187. Global Distribution Advocates, Inc
    188. Global Ecovillage Network | GEN |
    189. Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, Inc. | GFDD | FUNGLODE |
    190. Foundation |
    191. Good Neighbours International | GNI  |
    192. Graduate Women International | GWU |
    193. Grail, The |
    194. Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of America |
    195. Greycells | Association of Former International Civil Servants for Development |
    196. GROOTS | Grassroots Organisations Operating Together in Sisterhood |
    197. Hadassah | The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. |
    198. Halley Movement for Social and Community Development | HMSCD |
    199. HelpAge International |
    200. Hong Kong Federation of Women |
    201. Human in Love | HIL | |
    202. Human Resources Development Institute | HRDI |
    203. Human Rights Watch | HRW |
    204. Humanists International | International Humanist and Ethical Union |
    205. Hunger Project, The |
    206. IBREA Foundation | International Brain Education Association |
    207. Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya, Inc. | IMAM |
    208. Indian Dreams Foundation | IDF |
    209. IndustriALL Global Union | International Metalworker’s Federation | IMF/FIOM | |
    210. Initiatives of Change International | or
    211. Institute of International Social Development |
    212. Institute of Noahide Code | INC |
    213. Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs – Fordham University  | IIHA
    214. Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Loreto Generalate | 
    215. Institute for Multicultural Counseling and Education Services, Inc.  |  IMCES  |
    216. InterAction | American Council for Voluntary International Action |
    217. Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting Health of Women and Children | IAC |
    218. International Alliance of Women | IAW |
    219. International Association for Counselling |
    220. International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, Inc. | IAHPC |
    221. International Association for Mass Communication Research |
    222. International Association for Religious Freedom | IARF |
    223. International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities  |
    224. International Association for the Defence of Religious Liberty | AIDLR |
    225. International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property | AIPPI |
    226. International Association for Volunteer Effort  | IAVE |
    227. International Association of Applied Psychology | IAAP |
    228. International Association of Conference Interpreters | AIIC |
    229. International Association of Democratic Lawyers, The | IADL | 
    230. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics | IAGG |
    231. International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing | Global Ageing Network | IAHSA | GAN |
    232. International Association of International Law | IAIL |
    233. International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists |
    234. International Association of Judges | Union Internationale des Magistrats | Union Internacional de Magistrados | UIM-IAJ |
    235. International Association of Lions Clubs |
    236. International Association of Schools of Social Work | IASSW |
    237. International Association of Universities | IAU |
    238. International Association of University Presidents | IAUP |
    239. International Bureau for Epilepsy | IBE |
    240. International Cancer Expert Corps | ICEC  |
    241. International Center for Clubhouse Development | ICCD |
    242. International Centre for Migration Health and Development | ICMHD | 
    243. International Commission of Jurists | ICJ |
    244. International Confederation of Ex-Prisoners of War | FNCPG
    245. International Corrections and Prisons Association for the Advancement of Professional Corrections, The | ICPA |
    246. International Council of Jewish Women |
    247. International Council of Management Consulting Institutes, Inc. | ICMCI | CMC-Global |
    248. International Council of Nurses | ICN |
    249. International Council of Psychologists | ICP |
    250. International Council of Women | ICW-CIF |
    251. International Council on Archives | Conseil International des Archives | ICA |
    252. International Council on Environmental Economics and Development
    253. International Council on Jewish Social and Welfare Services | JDC |
    254. International Council on Social Welfare | ICSW |
    255. International Drug Policy Consortium | IDPC |
    256. International Federation for Home Economics | IFHE |
    257. International Federation for Human Rights Leagues | FIDH |
    258. International Federation for Peace and Sustainable Development | IFPSD |
    259. International Federation of Business and Professional Women | IFBPW |
    260. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions | IFLA |
    261. International Federation of Psoriasis Associations | IFPA |
    262. International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres | IFSNC |
    263. International Federation of Social Workers | IFSW |
    264. International Federation of Training and Development Organizations | IFTDO |
    265. International Federation of Translators  | Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs  | IFT  |  FIT  |
    266. International Federation of Women in Legal Careers | IFWLC | Fédération Internationale des Femmes des Carrières Juridiques | FIFCJ | 
    267. International Federation of Women Lawyers | FIDA |
    268. International Federation on Ageing | IFA |
    269. International Fellowship of Reconciliation | IFOR |
    270. International First Aid Society | IFAS |
    271. International Human Rights Observer Pakistan | IHRO |
    272. International Inner Wheel |
    273. International Institute for Peace Through Tourism |
    274. International Islamic Relief Organization | IIROSA | /
    275. International Law Association | ILA |
    276. International-Lawyers.Org | INTLawyers | 
    277. International Movement ATD Fourth World |
    278. International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism | IMADR |
    279. International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization | IMSCO |
    280. International Muslim Women’s Union | IMWU |
    281. International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse |
    282. International Office for Catholic Education | Office Internationale de l’Enseignement Catholique | OIEC |
    283. International Organization for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination | EAFORD |
    284. International Organization for the Right to Education and Freedom of Education | OIDEL |
    285. International Peace Bureau | IPB |
    286. International Peace Research Association | IPRA |
    287. International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War | IPPNW |
    288. International Planned Parenthood Federation | IPPF |
    289. International Planned Parenthood Federation, Africa Region |
    290. International Planned Parenthood Federation, South Asia Region Office | IPPF SARO |
    291. International Presentation Association – Sisters of the Presentation | IPA |
    292. International Progress Organization | IPO |
    293. International Psychoanalytical Association Trust | IPA |
    294. International Public Relations Association | IPRA |
    295. International Real Estate Federation, The | FIABCI |
    296. International Real Estate Institute | IREI |
    297. International Road Transport Union | IRU |
    298. International Shinto Foundation, The |
    299. International Social Service |
    300. International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation | ISSTD |
    301. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies | ISTSS |
    302. International Trade Union Confederation | ITUC |
    303. International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences | IUAES |
    304. International Union for Health Promotion and Education | IUHPE |
    305. International Union of Marine Insurance | IUMI |
    306. International Union of Notaries | UINL |
    307. International Union of Psychological Science | IUPsyS |
    308. International Volunteerism Organization for Women, Education and Development | VIDES |
    309. International Women’s Year Liaison Group | IWYLG |
    310. International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations | ISMUN |
    311. Inter Press Service International | IPS |
    312. Inuit Circumpolar Council | ICC |
    313. Islamic Relief | IR |
    314. Islamic World Studies Centre | IWSC
    315. Ius Primi Viri International Association | IPV |
    316. Japan Asia Cultural Exchanges | JACE |
    317. Japan Federation of Bar Associations |
    318. JASMAR Human Security Organization | JASMAR | Formerly Sudan Association for Combating Landmines |
    319. Jeunes Médecins sans Frontières de Tunisie |
    320. Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development, The | JOHUD |
    321. Junior Chamber International |
    322. Jus Cogens |
    323. Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Managing Committee of |
    324. Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women |
    325. Kolping International Society |
    326. Korea Freedom Federation | KFF |
    327. Korea Institute of Brain Science | KIBS | 
    328. Korea International Volunteer Organization |
    329. Korean Institute for Women and Politics | KIWP |
    330. Kuwait Information Technology Society |
    331. Kyung Hee University | KHU |
    332. La Leche League International, Inc. (LLLI) |
    333. Latter-Day Saint Charities |
    334. Lawyers Without Borders | LWOB |
    335. Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped, The |
    336. Legion of Good Will | LGW | LBV |
    337. Life for Relief and Development | formerly International Relief Association |
    338. Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme | LICRA |
    339. Ligue pour l’Education de la Femme et de L’Enfant | LEFE |
    340. Loretto Community | Sisters of Loretto |
    341. Lucis Trust Association |
    342. Madre, Inc. |
    343. Makhzoumi Foundation |
    344. Make Mothers Matter | MMM International | Formerly Mouvement Mondial des Mères  |
    345. Man Up Campaign US, Inc. |
    346. Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers | CFMSA |
    347. Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc. |
    348. Mata Amritanandamayi Math | MAM |
    349. Match International Centre | Equality Fund | EF |
    350. May 18 Memorial Foundation, The |
    351. Medical Care Development International | MCD International |
    352. Medical Women’s International Association | MWIA |
    353. Mercy-USA for Aid and Development, Inc. | M-USA |
    354. Mother’s Union |
    355. Muslim World League | MWL |
    356. National Arab American Medical Association | NAAMA |
    357. National Association of Large Families | NOE |
    358. National Council of Negro Women | NCNW |
    359. National Council of Women’s Organizations Indonesia | Kongress Wanita Indonesia | KOWANI |
    360. New Future Foundation, Inc. |
    361. New Humanity International Association | NH |
    362. Nightingale Initiative for Global Health | NIGH World |
    363. Nonviolence International |
    364. Nonviolent Peaceforce |
    365. Nord-Sud XXI | North-South XXI |
    366. Nurses Across the Borders Humanitarian Initiative | NAB-HI |
    367. Okogun Odigie Safewomb International Foundation | OOSAIF |
    368. Open Family Australia |
    369. Organisation pour la Communication en Afrique et de Promotion de la Cooperation Economique Internationale | OCAPROCE Internationale |
    370. Organisation Tunisienne de l’Education et de la Famille | OTEF |
    371. Organizacion de Entidades Mutuales de las Americas | ODEMA | Organisation of Mutual Entities of the Americas |
    372. Organization for Defending Victims of Violence | ODVV |
    373. Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities | OICC |
    374. Pacific Rim Institute for Development & Education | PRIDE |
    375. PanAmerican-PanAfrican Association, Inc. | PA/PA USA |
    376. Pan-African Women’s Organization | PAWO | 
    377. Pan-Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association, The | PPSEAWA |
    378. Pax Christi International | International Catholic Peace Movement |
    379. Pax Romana | MIIC | ICMICA |
    380. PCI – Media Impact | Formerly Population Communications International | PCI |
    381. Peace, Education, Art, Communication (PEAC) Institute |
    382. Plan International | From Centre for Development and Population Activities |
    383. Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc., The | PACE |
    384. Planned Parenthood Federation of America |
    385. Poverty Elimination and Community Education Foundation | PEACE Foundation |
    386. Precious Gems | PG |
    387. Public Service International | Internationale des Services Publics | PSI-ISP |
    388. Red Dot Foundation  |
    389. Rehab Group |
    390. Rehabilitation International | RI |
    391. Religions for Peace International | Formerly World Conference of Religions for Peace) | RFP |
    392. Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health and Ethics, The |
    393. Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary  |
    394. Rotary International |
    395. Russian Peace Foundation | RPF |
    396. Sahana WorldwideOrganization
    397. Salesian Missions |
    398. Salvation Army, The |
    399. Save Cambodia |
    400. Save the Children International | Formerly International Save the Children Alliance |
    401. School News Nationwide, Inc. | Tour for Tolerance |
    402. School Sisters of Notre Dame |
    403. Self-Help Development Facilitators | SEFDA
    404. SER Foundation | Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research |
    405. Servas International | SI |
    406. Service and Research Foundation of Asia on Family and Culture | SERFAC |
    407. Shirley Ann Sullivan Educational Foundation | SASEF |
    408. Simply Help Foundation |
    409. Sisters of Charity Federation |
    410. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur |
    411. Socialist International Women | SIW |
    412. Social Justice in Global Development |
    413. Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries | Medical Mission Sisters | MMS |
    414. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc. | SIOP |
    415. Society of Nurse Scientists, Innovators, Entrepreneurs & Leaders | SONSIEL |
    416. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues | SPSSI |
    417. Sociologists for Women in Society  |
    418. Soka Gakkai International | SGI |
    419. Solar Cookers International | SCI |
    420. Soroptimist International | SI |
    421. SOS Children’s Villages International | SOS-Kinderdorf International |
    422. Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem | Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani | OSMTH |
    423. Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust | SRMT |
    424. Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council | SMWPC |
    425. STUF United Fund |
    426. Sulabh International Social Service Organisation | SISSO |
    427. Summer Institute of Linguistics | SIL |
    428. Susila Dharma International Association |
    429. Temple of Understanding | TOU |
    430. Teresian Association |
    431. Terra-1530 | Earth | terra1530
    432. Terre des Hommes Fédération Internationale | TDHFI |
    433. Thadhani Foundation | Mulchand and Parpati Thadhani Foundation | MPTF |
    434. Thakur Hari Prasad Institute of Research & Rehabilitation for the Mentally Handicapped |
    435. Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals | KETHEA |
    436. Tiye International |
    437. To Love Children Educational Foundation International Inc. | TLC |
    438. Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo  |  TEJO  |
    439. UFER- Unis pour l’Equité et la Fin du Racisme | United for Equity and Ending Racism | UFER |
    440. UN ETXEA | Asociacion del Pais Vasco para la UNESCO | UNESCO Centre Basque Country |
    441. UN Women Australia Incorporated |
    442. Union for International Cancer Control | UICC |
    443. Union of International Associations | UIA |
    444. Union of Kuwaiti Women Associations | UKWA
    445. Unitarian Universalist Association | UUA |
    446. United Bible Societies Association | UBSA |
    447. United Church of Christ – Board for World Ministries | UCC-BWM |
    448. United Kingdom Grand Priory of the International Knightly Order Valiant of St. George, The | KOVSG |
    449. United Methodist Church-General Board of Church and Society, The | UMC-GBCS |
    450. United Methodist Church-General Board of Global Ministries, The | UMC-GBGM |
    451. United Methodist Women | United Women in Faith | UWF |
    452. United Nations Association of China | UNA China | 
    453. United Nations Watch |
    454. United Religions Initiative  | URI  |
    455. United Schools International | USO |
    456. Universal Esperanto Association | UEA |
    457. Universal Peace Federation | UPF |
    458. VERTIC | Verification, Research, Training and Information Centre |
    459. Vital Voices Global Partnership | VVGP |
    460. VIVAT International  |
    461. Voices of African Mothers, Inc. | VAM |
    462. War Veterans Committee |
    463. Women First International Fund | Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund | VGIF |
    464. Women’s Board Educational Cooperation Society | WB |
    465. Women’s Environment and Development Organization | WEDO |
    466. Women’s Federation for World Peace International |
    467. Women’s International Democratic Federation | WIDF |
    468. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom | WILPF |
    469. Women’s International Zionist Organization | WIZO |
    470. Women’s Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church | WMS-AMEC |
    471. Women’s National Commission |
    472. Women’s Ordination Conference | WOC |
    473. Women’s Sports Foundation | WSF |
    474. Women’s World Summit Foundation | Fondation Sommet Mondial des Femmes | WWSF | FSMF |
    475. Workability International |
    476. World Alliance of Young Men’s Christian Associations | World YMCA |
    477. World Animal Protection | Formerly World Society for the Protection of Animals  | WSPA |
    478. World Association for Christian Communication | WACC |
    479. World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation | WAPR |
    480. World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts | WAGGGS |
    481. World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations | WAITRO |
    482. World Christian Life Community | CLC |
    483. World Circle of the Consensus: Self-Sustaining People, Organizations and Communities, The | SPOC |
    484. World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) |
    485. World Council of Churches-Commission of the Churches on International Affairs | WCC-CCIA |
    486. World Council of Muslim Communities | WCMC |
    487. World Evangelical Alliance | WEA |
    488. World Federalist Movement | Institute for Global Policy |  WFM-IGP |
    489. World Federation for Mental Health | WFMH |
    490. World Federation of Khoja Shi’a Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities |
    491. World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women | WFMUCW |
    492. World Federation of Scientific Workers | FMTS | WFSW |
    493. World Federation of Trade Unions | WFTU |
    494. World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations | WFUWO |
    495. World Federation of United Nations Associations | WFUNA |
    496. World Future Council | WFC |
    497. World Islamic Call Society | WICS |
    498. World Jewish Congress | WJC |
    499. World Mission Foundation | Crusaders Against HIV/AIDS |
    500. World Muslim Congress |
    501. World Organization Against Torture | OMCT |
    502. World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education | OMAAEC |
    503. World Organization of the Scout Movement  | World Scout Bureau | WOSM |
    504. World Organization for Early Childhood Education | OMEP |
    505. World Psychiatric Association | WPA |
    506. World Safety Organization | WSO |
    507. World Society of Ekistics |
    508. World Student Christian Federation | WSCF |
    509. World Toilet Association | WTA |
    510. World Union for Progressive Judaism | WUPJ |
    511. World Veterans Federation | Fédération mondiale des anciens combattants | WVF-FMAC |
    512. World Vision International | WVI |
    513. World Young Women’s Christian Association | World YWCA |
    514. World Youth Alliance | WYA |
    515. World Youth Foundation | WYF |
    516. Worldwide Organization for Women | WOW |
    517. Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa | YCAB |
    518. Young Global Leadership Foundation | YGLF |
    519. Youth With A Mission | YWAM |
    520. Zenab for Women in Development |
    521. Zonta International |


    1. AIDE Federation | Federation of International Development Agencies |
    2. AMBA for Life |
    3. AVSI Foundation | Formerly Association de Volontaires pour le Service International |
    4. Action Aides aux Familles Demunies | AAFD
    5. Afghanistan Peace Association |
    6. African Citizens Development Foundation |
    7. African Peace Network | APNET INTERNATIONAL |
    8. Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization | AAPSO |
    9. Ahmedabad Women’s Action Group | AWAG |
    10. Ambedkar Center for Justice & Peace | ACJP |
    11. American Judges Association | AJA |
    12. American Medical Women’s Association | AMWA |
    13. Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team | AMURT |
    14. Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances | AFAD |
    15. Asian Institute of Technology | AIT |
    16. Asociacion Nuevo Horizonte | New Horizon Association |
    17. Asociacion Mundial de Vivienda Rural
    18. Association de Lutte pour la Santé et le Développement | ALSD
    19. Association des Badinga du Congo | ABADIC
    20. Association des Femmes Educatrices du Mali | AFEM
    21. Association for Democratic Initiatives | ADI |
    22. Association Jeunesse et Enfance de Côte d’Ivoire
    23. Association of African Women for Research and Development | AAWORD | AFARD |
    24. Association pour le Développement Durable | ADD |
    25. Association tunisiènne de la communication | ATUCOM |
    26. Avoid Accident |
    27. Bahrain Women Association for Human Development |
    28. Buhay Foundation for Women and the Girl Child |
    29. Casa Dei Diritti Sociali  |  House of Social Rights |
    30. Center for Development and Population Activities | CEDPA |
    31. Centre Béninois pour le Développement des Initiatives à la Base | CBDIBA |
    32. Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society | COCOEDECON |
    33. Centre International de Coopération, d’Etudes et de Formation pour l’Afrique | CICEFA |
    34. Chamber of Computer Logistics People Worldwide | CCLP Worldwide |
    35. Child Helpline International |
    36. Chinese Immigrants Services, Inc.
    37. Club of Rome, The | CoR |
    38. Club Union Africaine  |
    39. Consortium d’Appui aux Actions pour la Promotion et le Développement de l’Afrique | CAPDA |
    40. Consultation collective nationale des ONG de jeunesse du Congo | CONAJECO |
    41. Democracy Coalition Project | DCP |
    42. Diplomatic Society of St. Gabriel |
    43. EURAD | Europe for Action on Drugs |
    44. Eastern Caribbean-Southeast Asia Economic and Cultural Chamber | ECSAC |
    45. Ensemble Allons dans la Paix |
    46. Environment Liaison Centre International | ELCI |
    47. Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development |
    48. Euronet FGM |  Réseau européen pour la prévention et l’éradication des pratiques traditionnelles néfastes à la santé des femmes et des enfants en particulier les mutilations génitales féminines et les mariages forcés |
    49. Femme Avenir |
    50. Fondation Ostad Elahi – Ethique et Solidarité humaine |
    51. Friends Society in Social Service |
    52. Fundacion Colombiana | Funcasol Internacional |
    53. Fundacion Prosurgir |
    54. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime | GI-TOC |
    55. Global Marshall Plan Foundation |
    56. Grameen Swapna |
    57. Green Earth Organization |
    58. Green Hope Foundation |
    59. Handicap and Orphan Children’s Charity Society | HOCCS |
    60. Health and Environment Program | HEP |
    61. Hope Homes International |
    62. Hygeia Foundation for Health Science & the Environment |
    63. IT for Change |
    64. IVECA International Virtual Schooling | IVECA |
    65. Ingenieurs du Monde |
    66. Institute for Integrated Rural Development | IIRD |
    67. Intellectual Alliance of Civilizations
    68. International Humanité |
    69. International Nightlife Association | Nightlife International | INA |
    70. International Mahavira Jain Mission |
    71. International Peace Commission |
    72. International Public Policy Institute
    73. Italian Diplomatic Academy | IDA |
    74. Jewish Women International | JWI |
    75. Joy of the Lord Needy Foundation |
    76. Jubilee Campaign |
    77. Manipur International Youth Centre
    78. Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate | OMI |
    79. National Council of Jewish Women | NCJW
    80. National Service Conference of the American Ethical Union, The | NES |
    81. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States |
    82. Nepal International Consumers Union
    83. New York Board of Rabbis | NYBR |
    84. Niger Delta Women’s Movement for Peace and Development | NDWPD | ndwpd
    85. Nigerian Army Officers’ Wives Association |
    86. Olympes de la Parole Canada | Voices of Olympia Canada | ODPC | VOOC |
    87. Pajaro Jai Foundation | pajarojaifoundation
    88. People to People International | PTPI |
    89. Plateforme Cojépienne d’Europe | PCE |
    90. Religious Consultation on Population, Reproduction, Health & Ethics |
    91. Rozaria Memorial Trust | RMT |
    92. Rutgers University | 
    93. Siam University |
    94. Society for Women and AIDS in Africa | SWAA |
    95. Sri Aurobindo Society |
    96. Sudan National Committee on Harmful Traditional Practices | SNCTP |
    97. Taiwan Creative Economy Association |
    98. Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps |
    99. Tamil Centre for Human Rights | TCHR |
    100. Tripla Difesa Onlus Guardie – Sicurezza Sociale e Ecozoofila |
    101. United Nations Association of Mauritius | MUNA |
    102. United Nations Association of the Philippines | UNAP 
    103. University of Minnesota School of Nursing | Katharine J. Densford Center for International Nursing Leadership |
    104. Vanguard Service Brigade International |
    105. West Papua Interest Association |
    106. Won Buddhism International |
    107. World E-Management Consortium | WEMC | 
    108. World Information Clearing Centre