trauma and dissociation

Knowing and Not Knowing about the Climate Crisis: Through the Lens of Trauma and Dissociation

February 2022 Program

Knowing and Not Knowing about the Climate Crisis: Through the Lens of Trauma and Dissociation

Dear Friends,

Please join us for our continuing discussion on

Climate Change and Mental Health!


Knowing and Not Knowing about the Climate Crisis:
Through the Lens of Trauma and Dissociation

Thursday, February 24, 2022

2 to 4 PM EST USA

via Zoom

Please find our program flyer attached.

Feel free to share widely with your networks.

Register Here:



Karen Hoppenwasser, MD

Irit Felsen, PhD

Co-Conveners, Working Group on Trauma and Mental Health


CoNGO Notes: For information about collaborative work of NGOs on the issues above and related matters, visit the substantive committees related to CoNGO. Visit here for specific information about the NGO Committee on Mental Health.

Knowing and Not Knowing about the Climate Crisis: Through the Lens of Trauma and Dissociation

February 2022 Program

Knowing and Not Knowing about the Climate Crisis: Through the Lens of Trauma and Dissociation

Dear Friends,

Please join us for our continuing discussion on

Climate Change and Mental Health!


Knowing and Not Knowing about the Climate Crisis:
Through the Lens of Trauma and Dissociation

Thursday, February 24, 2022

2 to 4 PM EST USA

via Zoom

Please find our program flyer attached.

Feel free to share widely with your networks.

Register Here:



Karen Hoppenwasser, MD

Irit Felsen, PhD

Co-Conveners, Working Group on Trauma and Mental Health


CoNGO Notes: For information about collaborative work of NGOs on the issues above and related matters, visit the substantive committees related to CoNGO. Visit here for specific information about the NGO Committee on Mental Health.