United Way

Role of Culture and Community in Recognizing Diversity and Fostering Inclusion Among Older Immigrants and Other Underrepresented Populations

International Federation on Ageing presents: “The Role of Culture and Community in Recognizing Diversity and Fostering Inclusion Among Older Immigrants and Other Underrepresented Populations,” a Conversation with Mr. Kahir Lalji Provincial Director, Government Relations and Population Health, United Way of British Columbia

Immigration is a crucial factor in fostering growth and maintaining the economic and social health of countries around the world. Immigrants provide essential contributions to society and yet they often face disproportionate barriers to accessing social services and supports. For older’ immigrants, multiple factors (e.g., cultural differences, working conditions and health factors etc.) can affect their ability to actively engage in family and community activities.

The IFA is honored to invite Mr. Kahir Lalji, Provincial Director, Government Relations and Population Health, United Way of British Columbia with extensive background in non-profit leadership and community development, Mr. Lalji’s passion in working with underserved populations has driven his success in supporting community-based programs and services across the province.

Register here!


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing-NY, please visit ngocoa-ny.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing-Vienna, please visit ngoageingvie.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing-Geneva, please visit ageingcommitteegeneva.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Intergenerational Solidarity, please email the vice chair at susanneseperson@gmail.com. 

Role of Culture and Community in Recognizing Diversity and Fostering Inclusion Among Older Immigrants and Other Underrepresented Populations

International Federation on Ageing presents: “The Role of Culture and Community in Recognizing Diversity and Fostering Inclusion Among Older Immigrants and Other Underrepresented Populations,” a Conversation with Mr. Kahir Lalji Provincial Director, Government Relations and Population Health, United Way of British Columbia

Immigration is a crucial factor in fostering growth and maintaining the economic and social health of countries around the world. Immigrants provide essential contributions to society and yet they often face disproportionate barriers to accessing social services and supports. For older’ immigrants, multiple factors (e.g., cultural differences, working conditions and health factors etc.) can affect their ability to actively engage in family and community activities.

The IFA is honored to invite Mr. Kahir Lalji, Provincial Director, Government Relations and Population Health, United Way of British Columbia with extensive background in non-profit leadership and community development, Mr. Lalji’s passion in working with underserved populations has driven his success in supporting community-based programs and services across the province.

Register here!


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing-NY, please visit ngocoa-ny.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing-Vienna, please visit ngoageingvie.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing-Geneva, please visit ageingcommitteegeneva.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Intergenerational Solidarity, please email the vice chair at susanneseperson@gmail.com.