This events calendar is an announcement service by CoNGO to its member organizations, its NGO substantive committees, the wider civil society community, and the UN System. All events included here, including their accuracy, are the sole responsibility of their organizers. Unless explicitly indicated, inclusion of an event in this calendar does not constitute CoNGO endorsement of the event. If you have an event or meeting you want to be considered for announcement here, please email us at

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Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN-Climate Working Group Meeting
1 February 2021 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Dear friends,
I hope this note finds you well! I am writing to update you all on a few considerations related to the next steps for the Committee of Religious NGOs Climate Working Group (CRN CWG). Our next meeting will be on Monday, 1 February from 10-11 AM (zoom link here). Here is a bit more context:
- Because of the CSocD, CSW, international women’s day and other winter/spring events, we would like to propose meeting on the first Monday of the month for the next few months. Apologies if this causes any inconvenience, but we are hopeful that it will reduce conflicts.
- The meeting on Feb. 1 is meant to cover a few items (agenda will be here in the coming days). Namely: what are the various areas of focus we would like to prioritize this year? and what are the main ideas we wish to develop collectively? This, of course, in addition to other matters we will address at future meetings such as what are the opportunities and, specifically, how to engage with UNFCCC COP.
- Finally, a few items that might be nice to refer to. First is the Climate Adaptation Summit taking place next week. Second is a link to a number of key reports, including the recent adaptation gap report. And third is a link to an interesting recent meeting between the Dalai Lama and Greta Thunberg regarding feedback loops.
Finally, as many of us are losing friends, acquaintances, and family members – let us do our best to keep each other in our prayers.
Dan, Beth and Julia, CRNGO CWG executive committee
CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit