
This events calendar is an announcement service by CoNGO to its member organizations, its NGO substantive committees, the wider civil society community, and the UN System. All events included here, including their accuracy, are the sole responsibility of their organizers. Unless explicitly indicated, inclusion of an event in this calendar does not constitute CoNGO endorsement of the event.  If you have an event or meeting you want to be considered for announcement here, please email us at infonews@ngocongo.org.



Human Rights and Drug Policy Across the United Nations: Commemorating International Human Rights Day


Drugs and drug policy do not exist in a vacuum, and communities are impacted in diverse ways that stretch across the silos of the UN system. The annual drugs omnibus resolution – titled, “International cooperation to address and counter the world drug problem” reflects the UN system-wide relevance of drug-related matters. In commemoration of International Human Rights
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Human Rights and Drug Policy Across the United Nations: Commemorating International Human Rights Day


Drugs and drug policy do not exist in a vacuum, and communities are impacted in diverse ways that stretch across the silos of the UN system. The annual drugs omnibus resolution – titled, “International cooperation to address and counter the world drug problem” reflects the UN system-wide relevance of drug-related matters. In commemoration of International Human Rights
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Exploring Digital Finance’s Real Promises and Challenges for Development


Exploring Digital Finance’s Real Promises and Challenges for Development Join the NGO Committee on Financing for Development on Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. EDT for this official side event to the 2022 ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qc-6orjsuGdFhyWHfljp7ZNxV526Onoc7 Speakers: Ms. Cina Lawson, Minister of Digital Economy and Transformation of
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Exploring Digital Finance’s Real Promises and Challenges for Development


Exploring Digital Finance’s Real Promises and Challenges for Development Join the NGO Committee on Financing for Development on Wednesday, 27 April 2022, 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. EDT for this official side event to the 2022 ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qc-6orjsuGdFhyWHfljp7ZNxV526Onoc7 Speakers: Ms. Cina Lawson, Minister of Digital Economy and Transformation of
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[2022 WSIS Forum] Inclusiveness, Access to Information and Knowledge for All / Bridging Digital Divides


WSIS Forum 2022 High-Level Policy Session 7: Inclusiveness, Access to Information and Knowledge for All / Bridging Digital Divides Register here for this 7th session of the 2022 WSIS Forum (virtual and in-person participation available): itu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkf-ysqzsuGtMorqFMzRQ1zPPF0GurUgte About the Session: The ability for all to access and contribute information, ideas and knowledge is essential in an
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[2022 WSIS Forum] Inclusiveness, Access to Information and Knowledge for All / Bridging Digital Divides


WSIS Forum 2022 High-Level Policy Session 7: Inclusiveness, Access to Information and Knowledge for All / Bridging Digital Divides Register here for this 7th session of the 2022 WSIS Forum (virtual and in-person participation available): itu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkf-ysqzsuGtMorqFMzRQ1zPPF0GurUgte About the Session: The ability for all to access and contribute information, ideas and knowledge is essential in an
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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day


This year's observance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) at 1:30pm (NYC time) on June 15 coincides with the fourth review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Ministerial Conference on Ageing in Rome, Italy. While there will be an in-person WEAAD
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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day


This year's observance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) at 1:30pm (NYC time) on June 15 coincides with the fourth review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Ministerial Conference on Ageing in Rome, Italy. While there will be an in-person WEAAD
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WMG’s 2022 HLPF Colour Campaign


As is the feminist tradition of the Women's Major Group, we're calling on feminists and allies to wear and bring attention to certain colors on each day of HLPF because #FeministsWantSystemChange! Each of these colors represent feminist demands regarding systemic change in order to really achieve the SDGs! Join us in making feminist analyses heard!
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WMG’s 2022 HLPF Colour Campaign


As is the feminist tradition of the Women's Major Group, we're calling on feminists and allies to wear and bring attention to certain colors on each day of HLPF because #FeministsWantSystemChange! Each of these colors represent feminist demands regarding systemic change in order to really achieve the SDGs! Join us in making feminist analyses heard!
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