Date: Tuesday, 28 February 2023 Time: 9am -12pm EST Find your timezone here. This briefing aims at raising awareness of the EDVAW Platform which is made up of the following expert mechanisms: This briefing will provide information on how civil society actors can engage with these mechanisms both in the context of CSW and beyond. The briefing will also be an opportunity to exchange views with some of the experts. The second part of the program will consist of regional break-out groups. |
Please note that this meeting will be in English. However, the recording will be available with subtitles in the 6 UN languages on our Youtube channel. |
CoNGO Notes: For information about collaborative work of NGOs on the issues above and related matters, visit the substantive committees related to CoNGO. Visit here for specific information about the NGO Committee on Status of Women/New York, NGO Committee on Status of Women Vienna, and the NGO Committee on Status of Women Geneva.