COP26 Outcomes: A Conversation from an Ethical and Human Rights Perspective

The Geneva Interfaith Forum on Climate Change, Environment and Human Rights (GIF) invites you to attend a webinar on COP26 Outcomes – A Conversation from an Ethical and Human Rights Perspective

10 December 2021 (Friday), 13h00 to 14h15 CET 

Link to join: COP 26 outcomes and debriefing – YouTube


· Mr. Vice Yu, South Centre, Loss and Damage Lead Negotiator  for G77+China

· Ms. Eileen Mairena, CADP, Active Observer of the UNFCCC Green Climate Fund

· Ms. Amanda Kron, OHCHR Associate Expert on Climate Change

· Ms. Alexandra Goossens-Ishii, Soka Gakkai International and GIF


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Human Rights, please email the co-chairs at or For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit

COP26 Outcomes: A Conversation from an Ethical and Human Rights Perspective

The Geneva Interfaith Forum on Climate Change, Environment and Human Rights (GIF) invites you to attend a webinar on COP26 Outcomes – A Conversation from an Ethical and Human Rights Perspective

10 December 2021 (Friday), 13h00 to 14h15 CET 

Link to join: COP 26 outcomes and debriefing – YouTube


· Mr. Vice Yu, South Centre, Loss and Damage Lead Negotiator  for G77+China

· Ms. Eileen Mairena, CADP, Active Observer of the UNFCCC Green Climate Fund

· Ms. Amanda Kron, OHCHR Associate Expert on Climate Change

· Ms. Alexandra Goossens-Ishii, Soka Gakkai International and GIF


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Human Rights, please email the co-chairs at or For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit

NGO CSW/NY monthly meeting

Join the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY for our December Monthly Meeting! This month, we’ll be exploring the intersection of human rights and climate change.At the beginning of the meeting, we will provide updates on NGO CSW/NY and the NGO CSW66 Forum.Date: Thursday, 16 December 2021Time: 1 – 3 pm EST Find your timezone here.

Register here:


CoNGO Notes: The NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, for more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Geneva, please visit

NGO CSW/NY monthly meeting

Join the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY for our December Monthly Meeting! This month, we’ll be exploring the intersection of human rights and climate change.At the beginning of the meeting, we will provide updates on NGO CSW/NY and the NGO CSW66 Forum.Date: Thursday, 16 December 2021Time: 1 – 3 pm EST Find your timezone here.

Register here:


CoNGO Notes: The NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, for more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Geneva, please visit

The Climate Emergency: Does Religion Matter?

You are invited to “The Climate Emergency: Does Religion Matter?”, the latest installment of the Temple of Understanding’s ECO JUSTICE FOR ALL Dialogues. These are special intimate discussions about the climate emergency with international ChangeMakers.

ECO JUSTICE FOR ALL interviews and dialogues are ongoing programs presented by the Temple of Understanding, incorporating our outreach in the area of environmental awareness and advocacy. We present a diverse range of perspectives, from scientific to spiritual views, on the climate emergency and offer a variety of solutions that we can all do easily and effectively in our everyday lives. World religious and spiritual visionaries, Indigenous leaders, scientists and social scientists, environmental activists, artists, musicians and writers, youth and elders, local and global people, all come together to address the urgency of the climate crisis through these ongoing interviews and dialogues.

Register here!


Rabbi Ellen Bernstein is an eco-theologian, spiritual leader, writer and creative. She founded Shomrei Adamah, Keepers of the Earth, the first national Jewish environmental organization in 1988. Her books include Let the Earth Teach You Torah, Ecology and the Jewish Spirit, and The Splendor of Creation. Ellen also created the first ecologically-centered Tu B’Sh’vat (Jewish New Year of theTrees) seder in 1988 and popularized Tu B’Sh’vat as a community-wide inter-spiritual ecological arts celebration for all peoples. Her most recent book, The Promise of the Land, A Passover Haggadah is the first comprehensive, ecological haggadah (guidebook) for Passover (Behrman House, 2020). In 2020 during the pandemic, Ellen launched the Earth Seder movement, helping to organize several dozen world-wide Earth Seders on Zoom. Ellen continues to write and teach on the ecology of the Hebrew Bible, and serves on the advisory board of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. To learn more please visit and

Theodore Hiebert writes about biblical perspectives on the environment and about biblical views of identity and difference. His book The Yahwist’s Landscape: Nature and Religion in Early Israel challenges claims that the Bible privileges humans and separates them from nature, and it shows how biblical religion is grounded in the natural world. He has made contributions about biblical perspectives on nature to such works as The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, The Oxford Companion to the Bible, Earth and Word: Classic Sermons on Saving the Planet, and Interpretation. He is the author of the article on Genesis for the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of the Bible and Ecology. Ted was the lead translator of the Book of Genesis and one of the editors for the recent English translation, the Common English Bible (CEB). He wrote the notes to Genesis for the CEB Study Bible and for the New Interpreter’s Study Bible, based on the New Revised Standard Version. He is the Old Testament editor for Abingdon Press’s Covenant Bible Study. Ted also writes about biblical views of identity and difference. His book The Beginning of Difference: Discovering Identity in God’s Diverse World challenges exclusivist cultural interpretations of the book of Genesis and reveals a text that embraces and celebrates ethnic identities and differences. It contains a reinterpretation of the story of Babel as positive account of the origin of the world’s cultures. God’s Big Plan, which he co-authored with Elizabeth Caldwell, is a children’s story of Babel based on this new interpretation. Ted is currently at work on a study of the book of Genesis as migration literature. Ted is a member of the Mennonite Church and has served as pastor of the Boston Mennonite Congregation. He is a frequent lecturer and teacher in adult education programs in churches in the Chicago area. He is Francis A. McGaw Professor of Old Testament and Dean of the Faculty Emeritus at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago and lives in Homewood, IL.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit

The Climate Emergency: Does Religion Matter?

You are invited to “The Climate Emergency: Does Religion Matter?”, the latest installment of the Temple of Understanding’s ECO JUSTICE FOR ALL Dialogues. These are special intimate discussions about the climate emergency with international ChangeMakers.

ECO JUSTICE FOR ALL interviews and dialogues are ongoing programs presented by the Temple of Understanding, incorporating our outreach in the area of environmental awareness and advocacy. We present a diverse range of perspectives, from scientific to spiritual views, on the climate emergency and offer a variety of solutions that we can all do easily and effectively in our everyday lives. World religious and spiritual visionaries, Indigenous leaders, scientists and social scientists, environmental activists, artists, musicians and writers, youth and elders, local and global people, all come together to address the urgency of the climate crisis through these ongoing interviews and dialogues.

Register here!


Rabbi Ellen Bernstein is an eco-theologian, spiritual leader, writer and creative. She founded Shomrei Adamah, Keepers of the Earth, the first national Jewish environmental organization in 1988. Her books include Let the Earth Teach You Torah, Ecology and the Jewish Spirit, and The Splendor of Creation. Ellen also created the first ecologically-centered Tu B’Sh’vat (Jewish New Year of theTrees) seder in 1988 and popularized Tu B’Sh’vat as a community-wide inter-spiritual ecological arts celebration for all peoples. Her most recent book, The Promise of the Land, A Passover Haggadah is the first comprehensive, ecological haggadah (guidebook) for Passover (Behrman House, 2020). In 2020 during the pandemic, Ellen launched the Earth Seder movement, helping to organize several dozen world-wide Earth Seders on Zoom. Ellen continues to write and teach on the ecology of the Hebrew Bible, and serves on the advisory board of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. To learn more please visit and

Theodore Hiebert writes about biblical perspectives on the environment and about biblical views of identity and difference. His book The Yahwist’s Landscape: Nature and Religion in Early Israel challenges claims that the Bible privileges humans and separates them from nature, and it shows how biblical religion is grounded in the natural world. He has made contributions about biblical perspectives on nature to such works as The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, The Oxford Companion to the Bible, Earth and Word: Classic Sermons on Saving the Planet, and Interpretation. He is the author of the article on Genesis for the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of the Bible and Ecology. Ted was the lead translator of the Book of Genesis and one of the editors for the recent English translation, the Common English Bible (CEB). He wrote the notes to Genesis for the CEB Study Bible and for the New Interpreter’s Study Bible, based on the New Revised Standard Version. He is the Old Testament editor for Abingdon Press’s Covenant Bible Study. Ted also writes about biblical views of identity and difference. His book The Beginning of Difference: Discovering Identity in God’s Diverse World challenges exclusivist cultural interpretations of the book of Genesis and reveals a text that embraces and celebrates ethnic identities and differences. It contains a reinterpretation of the story of Babel as positive account of the origin of the world’s cultures. God’s Big Plan, which he co-authored with Elizabeth Caldwell, is a children’s story of Babel based on this new interpretation. Ted is currently at work on a study of the book of Genesis as migration literature. Ted is a member of the Mennonite Church and has served as pastor of the Boston Mennonite Congregation. He is a frequent lecturer and teacher in adult education programs in churches in the Chicago area. He is Francis A. McGaw Professor of Old Testament and Dean of the Faculty Emeritus at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago and lives in Homewood, IL.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit

Democracy for Human Rights Through CEDAW

Date: Thursday, 9 December 2021Time: 11:00am EST Find your timezone here.On Thursday, 9 December, NGO CSW/NY will be hosting an official side event of The Summit for Democracy convened by the U.S. Department of State, Democracy for Human Rights Through CEDAW. The interactive panel will bring together human rights experts, political leaders, and grass-roots women’s groups to showcase a Cities for CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) campaign.

Register here!

  • Soon-Young Yoon, UN Representative for the International Alliance of Women
  • Houry Geudelekian, Chair, NGO CSW/NY
  • Dubravka Simonovic, Former Member of the CEDAW Committee & Former Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women
  • Rangita de Silva de Alwas, Assistant Dean of International Affairs, University of Pennsylvania Law School
  • Alda Facio, Former Member of the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls
  • Krishanti Dharmaraj, Executive Director, Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Rutgers University
  • Moderated by Terry Dale Ince, CEDAW Committee of Trinidad/Tobago


CoNGO Notes: The NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, for more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Geneva, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Vienna, please visit

Democracy for Human Rights Through CEDAW

Date: Thursday, 9 December 2021Time: 11:00am EST Find your timezone here.On Thursday, 9 December, NGO CSW/NY will be hosting an official side event of The Summit for Democracy convened by the U.S. Department of State, Democracy for Human Rights Through CEDAW. The interactive panel will bring together human rights experts, political leaders, and grass-roots women’s groups to showcase a Cities for CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) campaign.

Register here!

  • Soon-Young Yoon, UN Representative for the International Alliance of Women
  • Houry Geudelekian, Chair, NGO CSW/NY
  • Dubravka Simonovic, Former Member of the CEDAW Committee & Former Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women
  • Rangita de Silva de Alwas, Assistant Dean of International Affairs, University of Pennsylvania Law School
  • Alda Facio, Former Member of the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls
  • Krishanti Dharmaraj, Executive Director, Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Rutgers University
  • Moderated by Terry Dale Ince, CEDAW Committee of Trinidad/Tobago


CoNGO Notes: The NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, for more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Geneva, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Vienna, please visit

Human Rights and Drug Policy Across the United Nations: Commemorating International Human Rights Day

Drugs and drug policy do not exist in a vacuum, and communities are impacted in diverse ways that stretch across the silos of the UN system. The annual drugs omnibus resolution – titled, “International cooperation to address and counter the world drug problem” reflects the UN system-wide relevance of drug-related matters. In commemoration of International Human Rights Day, this event will showcase key developments that took place during 2021 from diverse UN entities that can support system-wide coherence between drug control and the UN pillars of peace and security, development, and human rights, as well as the Sustainable Development Agenda.
  • Opening Remarks: H.E. Mrs. Alicia Guadalupe Buenrostro Massieu, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the UN
  • Zaved Mahmood, Human Rights and Drug Policy Advisor, OHCHR
  • Ninan Varughese, Senior Advisor, UNAIDS
  • Marie Nougier, Head of Research and Communications, IDPC
  • Penny Hill, Deputy Secretary, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
  • Moderator: Nazlee Maghsoudi, Chair, NYNGOC
Contact with any inquiries.

Register here:

Event organized by the New York NGO Committee on Drugs (NYNGOC), in collaboration with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, and International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC).


CoNGO Notes: The New York NGO Committee on Drugs is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, more information on the NGO Committee on Drugs-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Mental Health, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit

Human Rights and Drug Policy Across the United Nations: Commemorating International Human Rights Day

Drugs and drug policy do not exist in a vacuum, and communities are impacted in diverse ways that stretch across the silos of the UN system. The annual drugs omnibus resolution – titled, “International cooperation to address and counter the world drug problem” reflects the UN system-wide relevance of drug-related matters. In commemoration of International Human Rights Day, this event will showcase key developments that took place during 2021 from diverse UN entities that can support system-wide coherence between drug control and the UN pillars of peace and security, development, and human rights, as well as the Sustainable Development Agenda.
  • Opening Remarks: H.E. Mrs. Alicia Guadalupe Buenrostro Massieu, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the UN
  • Zaved Mahmood, Human Rights and Drug Policy Advisor, OHCHR
  • Ninan Varughese, Senior Advisor, UNAIDS
  • Marie Nougier, Head of Research and Communications, IDPC
  • Penny Hill, Deputy Secretary, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
  • Moderator: Nazlee Maghsoudi, Chair, NYNGOC
Contact with any inquiries.

Register here:

Event organized by the New York NGO Committee on Drugs (NYNGOC), in collaboration with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, and International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC).


CoNGO Notes: The New York NGO Committee on Drugs is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, more information on the NGO Committee on Drugs-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Mental Health, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit

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