Conference of NGOs (CoNGO) and older women

The Resilience of Older Women and Climate Change

The Resilience of Older Women and Climate Change

Older Women and Environmental Justice: An NGO CSW66 Forum Parallel Event

Older Women and Environmental Justice

A panel of experts on environmental justice and women will specifically address the impact of climate risk and disasters on the lives of older persons. This parallel event will examine the role of structural inequities on health, safety, housing, water and sanitation as uniquely experienced by older women.

Current efforts to counter associated detrimental outcomes will be highlighted, with special consideration of the inclusion of older woman in development of coordinated responses to risk and disaster reduction.

This session will remind attendees of the intersectionality of environmental justice, climate change and older women, and the imperative to foster environmental resilience by working individually and collaboratively toward justice for all.

CoNGO Notes: For information about collaborative work of NGOs on the issues above and related matters, visit the substantive committees related to CoNGO. Visit here for specific information about the NGO Committee on Ageing New York and the NGO Committee on Ageing Vienna.

Older Women and Environmental Justice: An NGO CSW66 Forum Parallel Event

Older Women and Environmental Justice

A panel of experts on environmental justice and women will specifically address the impact of climate risk and disasters on the lives of older persons. This parallel event will examine the role of structural inequities on health, safety, housing, water and sanitation as uniquely experienced by older women.

Current efforts to counter associated detrimental outcomes will be highlighted, with special consideration of the inclusion of older woman in development of coordinated responses to risk and disaster reduction.

This session will remind attendees of the intersectionality of environmental justice, climate change and older women, and the imperative to foster environmental resilience by working individually and collaboratively toward justice for all.

CoNGO Notes: For information about collaborative work of NGOs on the issues above and related matters, visit the substantive committees related to CoNGO. Visit here for specific information about the NGO Committee on Ageing New York and the NGO Committee on Ageing Vienna.