The Resilience of Older Women and Climate Change
The Resilience of Older Women and Climate Change
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT on Thursday, March 24
Expert panelists will discuss the role of behavior in climate change and increased environmental risk, resulting in degradation of all human rights. Speakers will discuss current lifespan initiatives and best practices across the globe, highlighting regions and activities where older women are taking the lead in mitigating negative outcomes.
Speakers: Amal Abou Rafeh, Chief of Programme of Ageing, UN DESA; Martha Bial, PhD, Fordham University, UN IAGG Team; Nancy Pachana, PhD, Clinical Geropsychologist and Co-Director, University of Queensland Ageing Mind Initiative; Michael Smyer, PhD, Founder/CEO,, Climate Action for a Warming World; Toni Antonucci, PhD, IAGG Secretary General, University of Michigan; Robin Fenley, PhD, Fordham University, UN IAGG Team
CoNGO Notes: For information about collaborative work of NGOs on the issues above and related matters, visit the substantive committees related to CoNGO. Visit here for specific information about the NGO Committee on Ageing Vienna and the NGO Committee on Ageing in New York. For information about the event organizer, visit IAAG.