Social Work Strategies to Support Decent Work to Overcome Inequality and Achieve the 2030 Agenda: Co-Building an Eco-Social World

Social Work Strategies to Support Decent Work to Overcome Inequality

and Achieve the 2030 Agenda


Join the International Federation of Social Workers for this virtual side-panel event in support of the

61st Session of the United Nations Commission on Social Development.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

3:00PM-4:15PM EST

Register here to attend: https://www.monmouth.edu/school-of-social…/ifsw-ny-event/

Concept Note

Social Work Strategies to Support Decent Work to Overcome Inequality and Achieve the 2030 Agenda: Co-Building an Eco-Social World

IFSW's commitment to co-building transformative social protections, standing with workers to ensure collective worker rights, protections and decent pay in the context of jobs and industries that do no harm to the environment are central to our holistic human rights framework and our goals of co-building an eco-social world.

This event will focus on local and global approaches that IFSW and its partners use to support full and productive employment and decent work for all to overcome inequality and achieve the 2030 Agenda. Discussion will include strategies that center on a holistic human rights framework that encompasses human rights, cultural rights, ecosystem rights, and the broader rights of nature including workers' cooperatives and wastepickers’ role in recycling and organizing for occupational health.

Creating full and productive employment and decent work for all as a way of overcoming inequalities to accelerate the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Social Work Strategies to Support Decent Work to Overcome Inequality and Achieve the 2030 Agenda: Co-Building an Eco-Social World

Social Work Strategies to Support Decent Work to Overcome Inequality

and Achieve the 2030 Agenda


Join the International Federation of Social Workers for this virtual side-panel event in support of the

61st Session of the United Nations Commission on Social Development.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

3:00PM-4:15PM EST

Register here to attend: https://www.monmouth.edu/school-of-social…/ifsw-ny-event/

Concept Note

Social Work Strategies to Support Decent Work to Overcome Inequality and Achieve the 2030 Agenda: Co-Building an Eco-Social World

IFSW's commitment to co-building transformative social protections, standing with workers to ensure collective worker rights, protections and decent pay in the context of jobs and industries that do no harm to the environment are central to our holistic human rights framework and our goals of co-building an eco-social world.

This event will focus on local and global approaches that IFSW and its partners use to support full and productive employment and decent work for all to overcome inequality and achieve the 2030 Agenda. Discussion will include strategies that center on a holistic human rights framework that encompasses human rights, cultural rights, ecosystem rights, and the broader rights of nature including workers' cooperatives and wastepickers’ role in recycling and organizing for occupational health.

Creating full and productive employment and decent work for all as a way of overcoming inequalities to accelerate the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

CoNGO President: Use People’s Charter for an Eco-Social World as advocacy tool; organize a robust and protected transborder and transnational civil society

New York City | UPDATED 8 August 2022 (CoNGO InfoNews) — The Global People’s Summit “Co-building a New Eco-social World: Leaving No One Behind” concluded its online meetings on July 2. The Summit run for 24 hours for four days between June 29 and July 2.

The Summit produced The People’s Charter for an Eco-Social World. The Summit’s website hailed the Charter, “which comprises voices from throughout the world, highlights the importance of participatory democracy in effecting transformational change.”

Liberato Bautista, the President of the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO), delivered a keynote speech and joined 25 global partners in drafting the Summit’s People’s Charter.

Bautista called on CoNGO members to study the People’s Charter and use it as an advocacy tool and inspiration in pursuing CoNGO’s strategic organizational mantra: “defining the present, shaping the future, making the change, now”.

Delivering one of the Summit’s keynote speeches, Bautista challenged the Summit participants to “co-build an eco-social world that depends largely on the empowerment of the voice and agency of peoples as they identify their concerns and craft their futures.”

Addressing more directly some of the elements of the People’s Charter, Bautista implored everyone to join in the task of increasing hope and decreasing fear. “Decreasing fear and replacing it with increased hope augurs well into assuring people of their dignity and human rights and of the planet’s sustainability,” Bautista added.

“To increase hope, we must build a common future for all the inhabitants of the earth and their natural ecology by promoting and safeguarding the common public goods and services indispensable to life. We must increase hope through arrangements that truly put peoples and the planet at the center of both the local and global public imagination of policy and legislation.”

Bautista stressed the need today for “a cadre of leaders from grassroots, local, national, regional and international arenas to provide leadership for the much needed catalytic strategies and action for transformative change in social and ecological relations” such as those identified in the “Pathway Forward” section of the People’s Charter.

Organizing the Summit and drafting the People’s Charter were done under the joint facilitation by Rory Truell, Secretary-General of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) and Paul Ladd, the Director of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

As you use the People’s Charter in your own contexts, the CoNGO President would like to know your experience. This will enhance our understanding of the elements of the Charter and enrich them. Email him at president@ngocongo.org. Read more about the Global People’s Summit and CoNGO’s collaboration here.

Social Workers on the Frontlines of Inclusive and Resilient Recovery

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Feb 16, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:


CoNGO Notes: For information about collaborative work of NGOs on the issues above and related matters, visit the substantive committees associated with CoNGO. Visit here for specific information about the NGO Committee on Social Development.

Social Workers on the Frontlines of Inclusive and Resilient Recovery

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Feb 16, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:


CoNGO Notes: For information about collaborative work of NGOs on the issues above and related matters, visit the substantive committees associated with CoNGO. Visit here for specific information about the NGO Committee on Social Development.

Strong Families for Strong Communities: Examples from Turtle Island

Family is the foundational institution for Indigenous Peoples and communities yet many policies and practices such as boarding schools and the Indian Act have undermined Indigenous families resulting in a legacy of abuse, intergenerational trauma, and large numbers of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). This presentation will describe the centrality of families for the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island (North America), review policies and programs that have undermined Indigenous families, and discuss opportunities to support Indigenous families


Dr. Hilary Weaver (Lakota) Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion University at Buffalo (State University of New York)


Dr. Elaine Congress Associate Dean, Fordham University Board Member of UN NGO Committee on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Questions? Contact Elaine Congress at congress@fordham.edu


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit facebook.com/NGOCoRIP. For more information on the NGO Committee on the Family-NY, please visit ngofamilyny.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit ngosocdev.org.

Strong Families for Strong Communities: Examples from Turtle Island

Family is the foundational institution for Indigenous Peoples and communities yet many policies and practices such as boarding schools and the Indian Act have undermined Indigenous families resulting in a legacy of abuse, intergenerational trauma, and large numbers of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). This presentation will describe the centrality of families for the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island (North America), review policies and programs that have undermined Indigenous families, and discuss opportunities to support Indigenous families


Dr. Hilary Weaver (Lakota) Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion University at Buffalo (State University of New York)


Dr. Elaine Congress Associate Dean, Fordham University Board Member of UN NGO Committee on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Questions? Contact Elaine Congress at congress@fordham.edu


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit facebook.com/NGOCoRIP. For more information on the NGO Committee on the Family-NY, please visit ngofamilyny.org. For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit ngosocdev.org.