
NGO Committee on Financing for Development regular monthly meeting

Join the NGO Committee on Financing for Development for their regular monthly meeting on November 4 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm EST at the Baha’i International Community Office at 866 UN Plaza, with Zoom access capabilities for those who are unable to attend in person. As the conference room can accommodate up to 25 participants, in-person attendance will be on a first come first served basis for those who have registered at this link by 4:00 pm October 31.

To attend virtually, kindly register to receive the Zoom access link here:
The agenda, minutes of the last meeting, and resource material are being uploaded to the meeting folder here.
Note to members:
Save the Date for upcoming FfD workshop! The Committee’s annual workshop on FfD, titled “Financing for Development Post COVID” will be held on November 9 from 8:30 am – 10:00 am via Zoom. This workshop is being organized by the Executive Committee.  Interested participants are encouraged to register here.


CoNGO Notes: The NGO Committee on Financing for Development is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, for more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development/NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development/Vienna, please visit

NGO Committee on Financing for Development regular monthly meeting

Join the NGO Committee on Financing for Development for their regular monthly meeting on November 4 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm EST at the Baha’i International Community Office at 866 UN Plaza, with Zoom access capabilities for those who are unable to attend in person. As the conference room can accommodate up to 25 participants, in-person attendance will be on a first come first served basis for those who have registered at this link by 4:00 pm October 31.

To attend virtually, kindly register to receive the Zoom access link here:
The agenda, minutes of the last meeting, and resource material are being uploaded to the meeting folder here.
Note to members:
Save the Date for upcoming FfD workshop! The Committee’s annual workshop on FfD, titled “Financing for Development Post COVID” will be held on November 9 from 8:30 am – 10:00 am via Zoom. This workshop is being organized by the Executive Committee.  Interested participants are encouraged to register here.


CoNGO Notes: The NGO Committee on Financing for Development is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, for more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development/NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development/Vienna, please visit

Adequate reparation in the future LBI: The example of mining disasters

Join us for this official side event during the 7th session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights.

Examining the concrete situations in Marinduque Island (the Philippines) and Minas Gerais State (Brazil), panelists will interrogate whether articles in the current draft for the legally binding instrument would support the rights of victims to access justice, individual or collective reparations, and effective remedy.

Register here:


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit

Adequate reparation in the future LBI: The example of mining disasters

Join us for this official side event during the 7th session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights.

Examining the concrete situations in Marinduque Island (the Philippines) and Minas Gerais State (Brazil), panelists will interrogate whether articles in the current draft for the legally binding instrument would support the rights of victims to access justice, individual or collective reparations, and effective remedy.

Register here:


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit

Is Extractivism Compatible with Sustainable Development?

Please join us in the Mining Working Group’s side-event at the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2021.  Our speakers from the Philippines, Brazil, Bolivia and Democratic Republic of Congo will discuss the impacts of mining and extractive industries and initiatives in their communities to address poverty and human rights abuses brought about by extractive development.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 1434 1374
Passcode: 826876

Spanish translation provided.

About the organizer:

The NGO Mining Working Group (MWG) is a coalition of NGOs that, in partnership with our members and affected local communities, advocates at and through the United Nations for human and environmental rights as related to extractive industries. The MWG addresses unjust and unsustainable extractive practices and policies through the lens of the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples and Earth’s carrying capacity. The MWG promotes a human and ecological rights framework as the foundation for sustainable and just natural-resource management, through: just and transparent international policies; national laws and practices that meet the highest international standards and obligations; and intervention to address violations. In this context the MWG also advocates for the use of economic benefits of resource extraction for the holistic and long-term social, economic, and sustainable development needs of local communities.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit

Is Extractivism Compatible with Sustainable Development?

Please join us in the Mining Working Group’s side-event at the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2021.  Our speakers from the Philippines, Brazil, Bolivia and Democratic Republic of Congo will discuss the impacts of mining and extractive industries and initiatives in their communities to address poverty and human rights abuses brought about by extractive development.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 1434 1374
Passcode: 826876

Spanish translation provided.

About the organizer:

The NGO Mining Working Group (MWG) is a coalition of NGOs that, in partnership with our members and affected local communities, advocates at and through the United Nations for human and environmental rights as related to extractive industries. The MWG addresses unjust and unsustainable extractive practices and policies through the lens of the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples and Earth’s carrying capacity. The MWG promotes a human and ecological rights framework as the foundation for sustainable and just natural-resource management, through: just and transparent international policies; national laws and practices that meet the highest international standards and obligations; and intervention to address violations. In this context the MWG also advocates for the use of economic benefits of resource extraction for the holistic and long-term social, economic, and sustainable development needs of local communities.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit

COP26: Ramp Up Ambition!

Faiths Unite: Visions for Transformative Climate Action

A 3-part interactive online series organised by the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UNFCCC Every Tuesday from October 27th to November 10th

The Interfaith Liaison Committee welcomes friends from around the world to learn, discuss and explore climate action in the run up to what should have been COP26. We welcome members from different religious communities, alongside scientists and policymakers, to meet and share their visions for faith-based climate action in 2020.

Join us for part 2 on Tuesday, Nov. 3 – COP26: Ramp Up Ambition!

4:00-5:30 pm GMT / 5:00-6:30 pm CET / 11:00-12:30 am EST

Register here.

The second event in a 3-part interactive online series organised by the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UNFCCC. This webinar will discuss what needs to be on the agenda of COP26 and what does it mean for climate action now.

The postponement of COP26 creates a challenge to keeping up the tempo on climate action. States’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are not even close to ensuring global temperature rise remains below 2°C, let alone the necessary 1.5°C.

Inaction from governments is no longer an option. 2020 is the year when the GHG emissions curve must begin to fall in order to have a chance of attaining the Paris Agreement goals. Climate actions undertaken by States must contain a mechanism to compensate for loss and damage. Finance, technology transfer and capacity building for adaptation must be made available to least developed and climate vulnerable countries. Covid-19 has shown the world that there is finance available to respond to an emergency. The climate emergency needs to be met with the same determination. There is no real alternative – continuing to stall action will eventually lead to catastrophic loss and damage.

Moderator: Lindsey Fielder Cook, Representative for Climate Change, Quaker United Nations Office (Geneva)


  • Sarmad Iqbal, Islamic Relief Worldwide (Pakistan)
  • Neil Thorns, Chair of the Climate Coalition and Advocacy Director at CAFOD (UK)
  • Prof Joyashree Roy, Bangabandhu Chair Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, IPCC Author (Thailand)
  • Moema de Miranda, Churches and Mining, Franciscans, Brazil
  • Ovais Sarmad, UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary (Bonn)


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns, please visit For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Human Rights, please email the co-chairs at or 

COP26: Ramp Up Ambition!

Faiths Unite: Visions for Transformative Climate Action

A 3-part interactive online series organised by the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UNFCCC Every Tuesday from October 27th to November 10th

The Interfaith Liaison Committee welcomes friends from around the world to learn, discuss and explore climate action in the run up to what should have been COP26. We welcome members from different religious communities, alongside scientists and policymakers, to meet and share their visions for faith-based climate action in 2020.

Join us for part 2 on Tuesday, Nov. 3 – COP26: Ramp Up Ambition!

4:00-5:30 pm GMT / 5:00-6:30 pm CET / 11:00-12:30 am EST

Register here.

The second event in a 3-part interactive online series organised by the Interfaith Liaison Committee to the UNFCCC. This webinar will discuss what needs to be on the agenda of COP26 and what does it mean for climate action now.

The postponement of COP26 creates a challenge to keeping up the tempo on climate action. States’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are not even close to ensuring global temperature rise remains below 2°C, let alone the necessary 1.5°C.

Inaction from governments is no longer an option. 2020 is the year when the GHG emissions curve must begin to fall in order to have a chance of attaining the Paris Agreement goals. Climate actions undertaken by States must contain a mechanism to compensate for loss and damage. Finance, technology transfer and capacity building for adaptation must be made available to least developed and climate vulnerable countries. Covid-19 has shown the world that there is finance available to respond to an emergency. The climate emergency needs to be met with the same determination. There is no real alternative – continuing to stall action will eventually lead to catastrophic loss and damage.

Moderator: Lindsey Fielder Cook, Representative for Climate Change, Quaker United Nations Office (Geneva)


  • Sarmad Iqbal, Islamic Relief Worldwide (Pakistan)
  • Neil Thorns, Chair of the Climate Coalition and Advocacy Director at CAFOD (UK)
  • Prof Joyashree Roy, Bangabandhu Chair Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, IPCC Author (Thailand)
  • Moema de Miranda, Churches and Mining, Franciscans, Brazil
  • Ovais Sarmad, UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary (Bonn)


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns, please visit For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Human Rights, please email the co-chairs at or 

Linking Criminal Justice & the SDGs: Corruption Creates Wicked Legacies at Hazardous Sites

10th Session of the Conference of the Parties UN – Vienna official side event

Link :

Meeting ID: 818 9075 9866

Kenncode: 599775


Welcome & Introduction: Ilona Graenitz, Chairperson Vienna NGO Committee on Sustainable Development “Prerequisites for achieving the SDGs”

Presentation: Univ. Prof. Drin. Verena Winiwarter, BOKU, Institute of Social Ecology “Eliminating and cleaning up of wicked legacies at hazardous sites by supporting transparent, public information and fighting corruption, thus providing a sound basis for achieving the SDGs”

Follow-up activities and a question/answer session to follow.

About wicked legacies at hazardous sites:

Advancing towards the Agenda 2030 goals hinges on progress with target “16.5: Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms” Corruption can lead to significant and serious environmental problems, if it jeopardizes the care, maintenance and clean-up of toxic legacy sites. These environmental problems can in particular impact women. The event makes a case for action and calls for a debate on an additional SDG Target, respectively indicators to draw attention to the dangers of toxic legacy sites worldwide; particularly in abandoned mines. The SDGs can only be achieved, if stocks as well as flows of toxic substances and pollutants are reduced and finally eliminated. Abandoned toxic sites and mines present not only challenges to the environment and people, but also a growing threat, as mines worldwide may increasingly be used for storing CO2 with possibly hazardous results due to chemical reactions. It is of utmost importance to clean up this toxic legacy and manage related risks, as this process is particularly vulnerable to corruption. A panel of experts will offer insight into the risks of toxic legacy sites; the problems of developing legal framework to minimize long-term environmental contamination and its negative impact on human health; and discuss the challenges of minimizing corruption in issues involving specialized technical knowledge. In order to underpin the rule of law and to expedite legal action respecting the “Polluter Pays” principle, the founding of an international High Court for Environment and Health under UN auspices is proposed.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-New York, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit

Linking Criminal Justice & the SDGs: Corruption Creates Wicked Legacies at Hazardous Sites

10th Session of the Conference of the Parties UN – Vienna official side event

Link :

Meeting ID: 818 9075 9866

Kenncode: 599775


Welcome & Introduction: Ilona Graenitz, Chairperson Vienna NGO Committee on Sustainable Development “Prerequisites for achieving the SDGs”

Presentation: Univ. Prof. Drin. Verena Winiwarter, BOKU, Institute of Social Ecology “Eliminating and cleaning up of wicked legacies at hazardous sites by supporting transparent, public information and fighting corruption, thus providing a sound basis for achieving the SDGs”

Follow-up activities and a question/answer session to follow.

About wicked legacies at hazardous sites:

Advancing towards the Agenda 2030 goals hinges on progress with target “16.5: Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms” Corruption can lead to significant and serious environmental problems, if it jeopardizes the care, maintenance and clean-up of toxic legacy sites. These environmental problems can in particular impact women. The event makes a case for action and calls for a debate on an additional SDG Target, respectively indicators to draw attention to the dangers of toxic legacy sites worldwide; particularly in abandoned mines. The SDGs can only be achieved, if stocks as well as flows of toxic substances and pollutants are reduced and finally eliminated. Abandoned toxic sites and mines present not only challenges to the environment and people, but also a growing threat, as mines worldwide may increasingly be used for storing CO2 with possibly hazardous results due to chemical reactions. It is of utmost importance to clean up this toxic legacy and manage related risks, as this process is particularly vulnerable to corruption. A panel of experts will offer insight into the risks of toxic legacy sites; the problems of developing legal framework to minimize long-term environmental contamination and its negative impact on human health; and discuss the challenges of minimizing corruption in issues involving specialized technical knowledge. In order to underpin the rule of law and to expedite legal action respecting the “Polluter Pays” principle, the founding of an international High Court for Environment and Health under UN auspices is proposed.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-New York, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit