food security

NGO Committee on the Family: Celebrating Family Holiday Traditions

The NGO Committee on the Family invites you to join us at our event in which we will hear from Executive Committee members Vincenzina Santoro and Sofia Piecuch as they share about the family holiday traditions they grew up with originating from Italy and Peru.

The hybrid event will be held on Zoom and onsite in New York – participants who indicate an interest in attending in person will be sent additional information. In either case, please register here!


CoNGO Notes: The NGO Committee on the Family/NY is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, for more information on the NGO Committee on the Family/Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Language and Languages, please email the chair at

NGO Committee on the Family: Celebrating Family Holiday Traditions

The NGO Committee on the Family invites you to join us at our event in which we will hear from Executive Committee members Vincenzina Santoro and Sofia Piecuch as they share about the family holiday traditions they grew up with originating from Italy and Peru.

The hybrid event will be held on Zoom and onsite in New York – participants who indicate an interest in attending in person will be sent additional information. In either case, please register here!


CoNGO Notes: The NGO Committee on the Family/NY is a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations. Likewise, for more information on the NGO Committee on the Family/Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Language and Languages, please email the chair at

COP15 Faith Briefing

Dear colleagues,

With the CBD COP15 only a few weeks away, Bhumi Global is delighted to invite you to a briefing session on Tuesday 22nd November from 9:30am – 11am ET where we will review and discuss:

  • Updated multi-faith priorities for the Global Biodiversity Framework
  • Events planned by the COP15 multi-faith coordination group
  • How to apply for a side event at the multi-faith pavilion within the Action Zone
  • Multi-faith communications strategy for COP15

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 528 839 2946
Passcode: Bhumi

One tap mobile
+16469313860,,5288392946#,,,,*742521# US
+13017158592,,5288392946#,,,,*742521# US (Washington DC)


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development/NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development/Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit

COP15 Faith Briefing

Dear colleagues,

With the CBD COP15 only a few weeks away, Bhumi Global is delighted to invite you to a briefing session on Tuesday 22nd November from 9:30am – 11am ET where we will review and discuss:

  • Updated multi-faith priorities for the Global Biodiversity Framework
  • Events planned by the COP15 multi-faith coordination group
  • How to apply for a side event at the multi-faith pavilion within the Action Zone
  • Multi-faith communications strategy for COP15

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 528 839 2946
Passcode: Bhumi

One tap mobile
+16469313860,,5288392946#,,,,*742521# US
+13017158592,,5288392946#,,,,*742521# US (Washington DC)


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns-NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development/NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development/Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit

Three Keys to Successful Advocacy: How to Move, Touch and Inspire Anyone at Anytime

Three Keys to Successful Advocacy: How to Move, Touch and Inspire Anyone at Anytime

We are pleased that Adriane Berg, an expert communicator and an Emmy award-winning TV host and podcaster, will join us today. Adriane is communications consultant to many major companies and a member of the NGO Committee on Ageing-NY, Subcommittee on Communications. Erica Dhar, Director, Global Alliances, International Affairs, AARP, will be the respondent, applying Adriane’s presentation to our advocacy work at the NGO CoA.

Be prepared for a lively session on effective advocacy messaging followed by an eye-opening speed coaching session with your fellow attendees.


  1. Welcome & Chair’s Update Cynthia Stuen, Chair, NGO Committee on Ageing/NY
  2. Moderator Frances Zainoeddin, Vice Chair, Program Subcommittee Chair
  3. Speaker: Adriane Berg, CEO Generation Bold
  4. Respondent: Erica Dhar, Director, Global Alliances, International Affairs, AARP
  5. Questions and Comments
  6. Closing Remarks

Attendees will discover:

  • How to create a compelling elevator pitch
  • How to appeal to multiple audiences at meetings and events
  • How to create and deliver a compelling call to action
  • How to tell your advocacy story using the unique “U curve” technique

Join here:


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing/NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing/Geneva, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing/Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Intergenerational Solidarity, please email the vice chair at

Three Keys to Successful Advocacy: How to Move, Touch and Inspire Anyone at Anytime

Three Keys to Successful Advocacy: How to Move, Touch and Inspire Anyone at Anytime

We are pleased that Adriane Berg, an expert communicator and an Emmy award-winning TV host and podcaster, will join us today. Adriane is communications consultant to many major companies and a member of the NGO Committee on Ageing-NY, Subcommittee on Communications. Erica Dhar, Director, Global Alliances, International Affairs, AARP, will be the respondent, applying Adriane’s presentation to our advocacy work at the NGO CoA.

Be prepared for a lively session on effective advocacy messaging followed by an eye-opening speed coaching session with your fellow attendees.


  1. Welcome & Chair’s Update Cynthia Stuen, Chair, NGO Committee on Ageing/NY
  2. Moderator Frances Zainoeddin, Vice Chair, Program Subcommittee Chair
  3. Speaker: Adriane Berg, CEO Generation Bold
  4. Respondent: Erica Dhar, Director, Global Alliances, International Affairs, AARP
  5. Questions and Comments
  6. Closing Remarks

Attendees will discover:

  • How to create a compelling elevator pitch
  • How to appeal to multiple audiences at meetings and events
  • How to create and deliver a compelling call to action
  • How to tell your advocacy story using the unique “U curve” technique

Join here:


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing/NY, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing/Geneva, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Ageing/Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Intergenerational Solidarity, please email the vice chair at

Highlighting Interfaith Responses to Climate Anxiety

In 2021, within the United States alone, over 47 million people expressed living with a mental health condition, a 1.5 million increase from the previous year’s State of Mental Health Report. The confluence of crises – from conflict to economic instability to climate change – have spread a sense of fear, anxiety and loss of hope in many people’s lives. Faith based organizations have traditionally played a key role in maintaining a sense of community, hope, and trust, however, may require retooling to address the magnitude of the challenge at hand.

Additionally, in 2021’s Next Generation Climate Survey, 83% of Generation Z reported concern about their future, in relation to climate change. Simultaneously, their ability to impact policies related to climate actions is limited by their resources, time, expertise and existing commitments to their education, development and mental-wellbeing. This amalgamation of concern, paired with inability to see meaningful change on a systems level, has left many young individuals with a pervasive sense of hopelessness, despair, and dread: climate anxiety.

This panel brings together representatives from diverse faith groups, to be in conversation with mental health experts, to unpack the critical opportunity that faith leaders have in their communities to help individuals suffering from climate anxiety access mental health resources, address climate grief, cultivate healthy support structures to build resilience towards eco-dread.

Note: this event will not be livestreamed.

Location: Tzu Chi Center
229 E 60th St.
New York, NY 10022

Learn more at


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Mental Health, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Intergenerational Solidarity, please email the vice chair at For more information on the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns/NY, please visit

Highlighting Interfaith Responses to Climate Anxiety

In 2021, within the United States alone, over 47 million people expressed living with a mental health condition, a 1.5 million increase from the previous year’s State of Mental Health Report. The confluence of crises – from conflict to economic instability to climate change – have spread a sense of fear, anxiety and loss of hope in many people’s lives. Faith based organizations have traditionally played a key role in maintaining a sense of community, hope, and trust, however, may require retooling to address the magnitude of the challenge at hand.

Additionally, in 2021’s Next Generation Climate Survey, 83% of Generation Z reported concern about their future, in relation to climate change. Simultaneously, their ability to impact policies related to climate actions is limited by their resources, time, expertise and existing commitments to their education, development and mental-wellbeing. This amalgamation of concern, paired with inability to see meaningful change on a systems level, has left many young individuals with a pervasive sense of hopelessness, despair, and dread: climate anxiety.

This panel brings together representatives from diverse faith groups, to be in conversation with mental health experts, to unpack the critical opportunity that faith leaders have in their communities to help individuals suffering from climate anxiety access mental health resources, address climate grief, cultivate healthy support structures to build resilience towards eco-dread.

Note: this event will not be livestreamed.

Location: Tzu Chi Center
229 E 60th St.
New York, NY 10022

Learn more at


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Mental Health, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Social Development, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Intergenerational Solidarity, please email the vice chair at For more information on the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values, and Global Concerns/NY, please visit

Leadership for Change: A Call to Action from Sisters Supporting Vulnerable Communities

This side event will address SDGs 14, 15, and 17 – under review at this year’s High-Level Political Forum – by featuring panelists with expertise in creating environmental initiatives that serve and support our planet’s most vulnerable communities. Panelists will include Sisters engaged in grassroots advocacy, speakers from civil society sharing best practices for partnerships around the SDGs, and representatives from Member States with experience of collaborating to make the 2030 Agenda a reality for all. With this event, we aim to model effective implementation of SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals. UNANIMA and UISG are partnering to produce a concise and powerful call to action, drawing from the experiences of Sisters as development leaders, with concrete policy recommendations on achieving the relevant SDGs.

Join live here on July 7 at 1pm Eastern / 7pm CET:

Through this event, UNANIMA International and the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) will bring to Member States the distinctive voices of Catholic Sisters – women leaders supporting marginalized communities around the world – with a strong call to action on SDGs 14, 15 and 17, under review at this Forum.

The Goals:

SDGs 14 and 15 were established by the UN in 2015. Life Below Water aims to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.” Life on Land was created to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” The Earth’s delicate ecosystems sustain and nourish life for all humans.

However, extractive industries, plastic pollution, and many other toxic practices are disrupting the relationship between people and our planet. Marginalized groups, Small-Island Developing States, and countries in the global south are particularly reliant on oceans and land for food security and wellbeing. Habitat loss caused by rising sea levels, deforestation, and other climate-related factors is wreaking havoc around the globe, forcing people to seek out temporary, crowded, and unsafe shelters where illness and infection spread quickly.

Climate injustice – including the loss of homes, biodiversity, and essential food and water supplies – is one of the most pressing obstacles to achieving the SDGs. Indigenous and local communities suffering from changes to their environments can often provide solutions to the challenges we face below water and on land: their insights will be essential in caring for the Earth as we approach 2030.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY, a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Geneva, please visit

Leadership for Change: A Call to Action from Sisters Supporting Vulnerable Communities

This side event will address SDGs 14, 15, and 17 – under review at this year’s High-Level Political Forum – by featuring panelists with expertise in creating environmental initiatives that serve and support our planet’s most vulnerable communities. Panelists will include Sisters engaged in grassroots advocacy, speakers from civil society sharing best practices for partnerships around the SDGs, and representatives from Member States with experience of collaborating to make the 2030 Agenda a reality for all. With this event, we aim to model effective implementation of SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals. UNANIMA and UISG are partnering to produce a concise and powerful call to action, drawing from the experiences of Sisters as development leaders, with concrete policy recommendations on achieving the relevant SDGs.

Join live here on July 7 at 1pm Eastern / 7pm CET:

Through this event, UNANIMA International and the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) will bring to Member States the distinctive voices of Catholic Sisters – women leaders supporting marginalized communities around the world – with a strong call to action on SDGs 14, 15 and 17, under review at this Forum.

The Goals:

SDGs 14 and 15 were established by the UN in 2015. Life Below Water aims to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.” Life on Land was created to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” The Earth’s delicate ecosystems sustain and nourish life for all humans.

However, extractive industries, plastic pollution, and many other toxic practices are disrupting the relationship between people and our planet. Marginalized groups, Small-Island Developing States, and countries in the global south are particularly reliant on oceans and land for food security and wellbeing. Habitat loss caused by rising sea levels, deforestation, and other climate-related factors is wreaking havoc around the globe, forcing people to seek out temporary, crowded, and unsafe shelters where illness and infection spread quickly.

Climate injustice – including the loss of homes, biodiversity, and essential food and water supplies – is one of the most pressing obstacles to achieving the SDGs. Indigenous and local communities suffering from changes to their environments can often provide solutions to the challenges we face below water and on land: their insights will be essential in caring for the Earth as we approach 2030.


CoNGO Notes: For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-NY, a Substantive Committee of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on Financing for Development, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Vienna, please visit For more information on the NGO Committee on the Status of Women-Geneva, please visit

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